Men and women over 20 could vote in Reichstag elections every four years
Article 48 allowed the president to declare a state of emergency and suspend the constitution
Industry after the war had two thirds of production from before war
After war they had a third of national income in 1918 compared to 1913
Treaty of versailles stated that germany had to pay 132 billion marks, lost 13% of territory, army reduced to 100,000, all colonies taken away, had to accept blame which was article 231. Reparations were 6 billion marks a year.
Treaty of Versaille was a DIKTAT
the polish corridor could isolate trading and people in germany
With the army shortened this could leave Germany defenceless to internal revolts and extremists
the leaders of the spartacist revolt were rosa luxembourg and karl leibknecht. they were communist and wanted to seize berlin and overthrow ebert. The freikorp stopped them and even when surrendered, they were murdered( the leaders and 100 workers killed) because they were left wing.
The Kapp putsch was a failed right-wing coup in Germany in 1920 that wanted to restore the monarchy and abolish the Weimar Republic. A general strike made the kapp putsch stop and there were no casualties
In 1922, Germany claimed it could not pay reparations any more but just wanted to make a protest. Ebert ordered workers to resist when french troops entered the Ruhr but this made inflation worse as they were paying workers but production stopped and money was printed with no value.
Stressemans aims were to restore germany's power and prosperity and end hyper inflation
Stressemann stopped the passive resist in the Ruhr which helped the economy greatly but seen as a defeat and lost majority of steel production.
Stressemann brought in the renten which made the currency worth something and this was more stable.
The Dawes plan in 1924 was used to reform the economy. a loan of 800 million gold marks.
The young plan in 1929 was a plan to reduce the reparations payments. Young was an American industrialist.
The plans of stressemann made payments decrease by 3/4 and the reparation time was extended to 59 years
the locarno pact was signed in october 1925, it meant that france would not invade germany if they didnt attack belgium or luxembourg. This showed that germany had regained some respect from other countries.
Germany joined the league of nations in september 1926. It gave them international recognition and allowed them to be part of world affairs again.
stressemann won the nobel peace prize in 1926 because he restored germanys reputation with other nations.
The golden age of 1924 to 1929 made living standard increase, increased female equality , and artistic freedom
The golden age made wages go up by 25% and borught unemployment benefits.
The golden age in 1928 had 1.3million unemployment compared to 2million in 1926
There was a housing shortage of 1milion in 1923 and rent tax by 15% and made builidng associations make make 37,000 homes.
Higher education increases from 70,000 prewar to 100,000 by 1928
Women in golden age were guaranteed employment rights by article 108. However women were still paid 33% less for same job. 10% of reichstag were women in 1932.
As the kaiser restrictions were thrown off, weimar saw a creatove explosion. Otto dix and George Grosz were a prime example showing negative aspects of german life and harsh life for veterans.
In 1920 the Germans Workers party was renamed National Socialist German Workers party. Th swastika was adopted and Hitler designed the flag.
Nazi party in 1919 to 1923 had the policies of large companies having to share profits, TOV abolished and jews are not german citizens
Hitler became leader of nazi party in 1921, he was a superb orator
Membership for nazis went from 2000 in 1920 to 20000 in 1923
The SA was a paramilitary organisation that was set up by Hitler in 1921 that impressed people with power and authority. It was led by Ernst Rohm
The Nazis bought the newspaper 'the People's Observer' to spread views. Hitler became head of propoganda in 1920
After the Munich Putsch Hitler was released from jail in December 1924 due to poor health. He used this as propaganda saying it showed he was willing to die for his country
article 109 guaranteed the equal employment rights of women to equal rights with men as well as in marriage and the workplace
In 1920 the German workers party was renamed National Socialist German Workers Party or Nazis
NSDAP strongly opposed:
weimar politicians who accepted TOV,
democracy as it was weak,
jews who were undermining economy.
Hitler and Drexler wrote a 25 point programme in 1920 which explained views of NSDAP.