When a study is replicated, and the results are not consistent, we say the study lacks reliability .
Variables in the environment, other than what the researchers are manipulating, that might affect participant behaviour are called situational variables.
In psychology, validity means that a test measures what it claims to be measuring.
A study lacks validity if the method of measurement doesn’t measure what it claims to measure and also if there are extraneous or confounding variables that affect the measurement.
Face validity and concurrent validity are ways of assessing validity.
When assessing the face validity of a test, we look at the test to see if it appears to measure what it claims to measure.
When assessing the concurrent validity of a test, we compare the results obtained to a previous test of the same behaviour, that is known to be valid.
We say that studies are reliable when the results of the study are consistent every time it is repeated.
A study can lack reliability if there are extraneous variables affecting the measurements, or if the test used to measure the dependent variable is unreliable.
If the results of a study are inconsistent every time the study is repeated, we can say that the study lacks reliability.
A study can lack reliability if there are extraneous variables affecting the measurements and also if the test or questionnaire used to measure the DV is itself unreliable.
A test has internal reliability if the individual items within a questionnaire are consistent with each other.
internal reliability is when the individual items within a test are consistent with each other.
external reliability is when the results of a test are consistent every time it is used.
The split-half method tests internal reliability by splitting the test items in two and comparing the results.
The test-retest method tests the external reliability of a questionnaire or test by getting the same participants to take the same questionnaire or test on two separate occasions and comparing the results.
External reliability is when the results of a study are consistent every time it is repeated.
A study can lack external reliability because there are extraneous variables affecting the dependent variable and also because the test or questionnaire lacks reliability.