The rules and norms of this speech community show up in a dialect referred to as the vernacular, the most basic variety or dialect of language we command.
Network strength - the close-knit nature of relationships among members of a speech community are measured by analyzing density and multiplexity; the more dense and multiplex a community.
Sociolinguistic marker(referred to as speech marker in Wardhaugh) - a sociolinguistic variable the variants of which are distributed according to both social class and social context.
The linguistic effect of open and closed networks is intimately related to the type of community, such as a small town or large city, Southern or Northern.
An open network provides open access to its users, often serving as a platform for new and important information, like a serious blogger and visitor of blogs.
A linguistic or speech repertoire refers to the linguistic varieties used by a speech community, such as register, dialects, styles, accents, and the like.