Diffusion is the movement of particles from a high concentration to a low concentration
Osmosis is movement of water through a partially permeable membrane from a high water potential (dilute solution) to a low water potential (concentrated solution).
Active transport is the movement of particles across a partially permeable membrane from a low concentration to a high concentration
The higher the temperature the faster the rate of diffusion because the particles have more thermal/ kinetic energy and so move faster
Rate of diffusion is inversely proportional to membrane thickness
The surface area and the volume of a sphere are calculated using 4πr2 and 4/3 πr3 respectively and this is useful because the alveoli in the lungs are one of the main (gas) exchange surfaces in the human body and these air sacs are sphere-shaped
As a an animal gets larger it’s surface area: volume ratio gets smaller.
The bigger something gets on the outside it must get even bigger on the inside to allow it to function
E.g. there is comparatively much more volume inside an elephant than a mouse, because it is a lot bigger. This means that it has a much lower surface area compared with it’s volume.
To be efficient a gas exchange surface must:
have a large surface area.
be supplied with lots of blood vessels to take gases away – maintains concentration gradient.
be moist so gases can dissolve for diffusion.
be very thin so diffusion across the membrane is easy.
have a concentration gradient i.e. keep the air circulating
explain how the alveoli are adapted
The walls of the alveoli are thin so that gases can diffuse easily/ efficiently/ more quickly.
Oxygen diffuses from the lungs into the blood
Diffusion is when the oxygen moves from a high concentration to a low concentration
Alveoli increase the surface area of the lungs
A large surface area will increase the rate of diffusion.
A good blood supply around the alveoli maintains the concentration gradient of these gases.
Good ventilation in the alveoli will maintain the concentration gradient.
It is moist to allow quicker/more efficient diffusion
Explain how a fish’s gills are adapted for gas exchange - Large surface area, good blood supply to maintain concentration gradient, thin membranes to reduce diffusion distance.
Explain how a root hair cell is adapted to its function -
Large surface area, thin membranes to reduce diffusion distance
Explain how the small intestine is adapted to its function - Villi and microvilli increase surface area, good blood supply maintains the concentration gradient, thin membranes reduce diffusion distance
The Peruvian screaming toad does not have gills and has a very simple lung with no alveoli. Explain how it gets enough oxygen to survive -
It has thin moist skin which allows gases to diffuse through it over a large surface area. It has blood vessels near the surface of the skin to maintain the concentration gradient
Explain why an elephant has large ears -
To create a large surface area to radiate heat away efficiently and keep the elephant cool