Algorithms and operating systems

Cards (35)

  • the term timesharing relates to a multiuser system
  • SJF is short for Shortest Job First
  • Operating Systems will allocate sections of RAM to the processes as part of: memory management
  • Binary search uses the equation mid = (high + low)2
  • disk cleaner, backup and restore are a type of system software
  • Diving processor time between processes so that they appear to multitask is known as: time slicing
  • redirected is not a process state
  • Command Line Interface is text-based and requires the user to write commands
  • RAM and ROM are both primary storage
  • a bubble sort will go through n-1 passes
  • an algorithm is when a step-by-step set of instructions are developed to form a solution to a problem
  • a sorting algorithm puts a list of items into order
  • Peripheral Management Operating System function ensures any device can be used with the operating system, as long as a driver is available for it
  • BIOS is part of the bootstrap process function
  • the biggest disadvantage of binary search is it can only be used if data is sorted into an order
  • bubble sorts a list by comparing two items that are side by side, to see which is out of order
  • Data must be in order for binary search to work
  • POST is short for Power On Self Test
  • the device driver piece of software is used to control hardware devices and allow an Operating System to make use of the hardware
  • defragmentation is rearranging files to occupy contiguous space.
  • The grouping of jobs that require similar resources is called batch processing
  • Allocating time on the processor to individual processes is known as CPU scheduling
  • Linear search starts at the first item and works its way sequentially through the data set
  • Dividing tasks so that the Operating System appears to multitask is dealt with under: processor management
  • processor size is not in the PCB (Process Control Block)
  • an interrupt is a signal sent by a hardware or software to CPU indicating that something needs attention
  • When the OS creates temporary RAM on the Hard Drive it is known as virtual memory
  • To allow a user to interact with an Operating System – it must have a user interface
  • Bandwidth is not a resource managed by the OS
  • an advantage of binary search is it is very quick
  • device drivers, utility programs and operating systems are types of systems software
  • preemption means a a process can be paused by system
  • The graphical user interface (GUI) contains windows, icons, menus and pointers
  • bubble sort algorithm makes multiple swaps per pass
  • binary search takes the data and then splits it in half repeatedly until it finds the data item requested