Climate Change

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  • Regions with severe climates tend to have fewer people than regions with more moderate climates.
  • Climates affect the type of shelter people require.
    • warm heating devices and/or air conditioning depending on their geographic location
    • homes must be able to withstand the amount and type of precipitation of a climate zone.
  • Climate can determine the types of foods and their coast available for a particular region.
    • expensive fresh fruits in Alberta due to our extreme winter season
    • cost of transport increases the price
  • Economic opportunities of an area can also be affected by climate.
    • regions with colder climates have little to no agricultural components
    • tourism and recreation industry are heavily reliant on climate to attract consumers.
  • Climate affects all organisms:
    • they have adaptations that make them more suitable or less suitable to a particular climate
    • plants undergo dormancy during the winter
    • food webs supply food energy to all other organisms therefore support different species of animals
    • Grizzlies --> unable to find food in a desert; their fat layer helps insulate their organs from the cold winter
  • Climate Change: change that occurs in the climate of a region over time (minimum of 30 years)
  • Global warming refers to the observes increase in Earth's avegrae temperature
  • The average surface temperature of Earth is increasing according to two kinds of evidence: anecdotal evidence & scientific evidence
  • Anecdotal evidence: relies on reports from people about particular weather events and how they interpret these events over time
    • useful, but somewhat biased
    • e.i. farmers reporting that the growing season began earlier than last year
  • Scientific evidence: evidence collected in a manner unbaised and reflects general situations instead of just particular events
  • The four main greenhouse gases: water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide
  • The enhanced greenhouse effect is the change in Earth's net radiation budget caused by the increase in human-generated greenhouse gases
  • The Greenhouse Effect:
    • absorption of the gases increases Earth's surface temperatures
    • carbon dioxide is the most significant greenhouse gas contributing to the enhanced greenhouse effect
  • carbon source is any process that releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
    • combustion of fossil fuels, cellular respiration
  • Carbon sink is any process that removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
    • photosynthesis, oceans, lakes