Scientist who study volcanoes are call volcanologist
Based onon morphology volcanoes can be classified as
Flood plateau Basalt
Lava dome
Splatterortuff cones
Cinder cone
Shield volcano
Water can accumelate in a crater, which can form a crater lake
Caldera - is a volcano with large crater opening
Volcano - a place on earth's surface or any other planet where molten rock and gases are erupted
Volacanoes are known to be hot and fieryplaces that spew out smoke and cinder
The science that studies volcanoes , including the processes related of magma , fluids, and gases is volcanology
The term "volcano" comes from the Latin word "volcanus" which refers to the to the Roman god of fire vulcan
Volcanic eruptions can last days , months, or even years
Volcano - a hill or mountain built by the eruption of molten rocks
Volcanoes are opening, or vents where lava , tephra (small rocks) and steam erupt onto the earth's surface
Parts of volcano
The Philippines has five types of climates.
Tropical rainforest
Tropical monsoon
Humid subtropical
The climate of the Philippines is tropical and maritime
It is characterized by relatively high temperature, high humidity and abundant rainfall it is similar in many respect to the climate of the country's of Central america
Climate status of the Philippines?
The Philippines has a humid equatorial climate characterized by high temperature and heavy rainfall
Tropical rainforest - is a hot, humid, and flourishing dense forest , usually found around the equator.
Tropical monsoon - have monthly mean temperatures above 18°c (64°F) in every month of the year and a dry season.
Tropical savanna - a biome characterized by tall grassess and occasional trees.
Humidsubtropical - characterized by hot, humid summers and mild, chilly winters.
Oceanic - is characterized by cool summers and cool winters , with a narrow annual temperature range and few extremes due to maritime influence.
Star - is any mass of self limitation , celestial body of gas that shines by radiation derives from its internal energy sources a star
Stars are huge, glowing balls of gases which includes hydrogen , helium, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, iron, and calcium .
Hydrogen - the lightest element, it makes up about 85% of the mass
Helium - it constitutes about 10% of a star
Helium&hydrogen (all together) - make up about 95to98% of a total mass of a star
Speetroscopes or speetrometers art tools used by astronomers to study the stars. They use prisms of different attraction grating to seperate or split the light gathered by a telescope into speetrum.
Continuous speetrum - consist of uninterrupted band of color , which can incandescent solid, liquid, or gas produced at high pressure. The visible light produced by the ordinary light bulbs is an example of a continuous speetrum.
SirIsaac newton observed this speetrum he used a prism to seperate visible light into the different colors.
An omission speetrum consist of a series of bright lines off specific wavelengths produced at low pressure by hot gas
This bright lines occur in the same location as the darklines in an absorption speetrum
Only selected wavelengths of light are absorbed by the gas
Absorption speetrum is produced when light passed through cool gas, but at the lowlow pressure.
temperature color example
0blue rigel
20,000whiteSirius vega
10,000whitesun, alpha centauri
Mass is one of the characteristics of a star that is most difficult to measure
Binary stars are pairs ofof stars pulled towards each other by gravity , it's a common point , called center of a mass , Is where binary stars orbit each other
The centerofthemass lies in the middle of the binary stars of they have equal masses
Neutron - smallest stars with a diameter of about 16km
Dwarf - it has a diameter of about 7300 kilometers
Medium size - has a diameter of about 0.1 of the diameter of the sun