What are the two steps in the dissolution process?
1) Solvation - drug dissolves at crystal surface to create stagnant layer of saturated solution2) Diffusion - dissolved molecules diffuse across stagnant layer into bulk solution
dissolution rate = D S / h x (Cs - Cb)where:D = diffusivityS = SA of drugh = membrane thicknessCs = solubility of drugCb = concentration of drug in bulk solution
What equation describes Fick's Law?what is flux directly proportional to?
flux = conc x velocity x areaORflux = ADk/h (C1-C2)where A = membrane SAh = membrane thicknessk = partition coefficientC1-C2= [conc] difference on either side of the membraneflux directly proportional to change in concentration across membrane
k quantifies drug distribution between membrane and aqueous phaseK = Coil/Cwaterk = drug's relative affinity for oil as compared to waterLog P = octanol-water partition coefficient (k)
Why is lipophilicity important for drugs?What measures lipophilicity?
Drugs have to be lipophilic to cross csm, but if too lipophilc then they could get deposited in fatty tissues, so need a balancemeasured by octanol-water partition coefficient (logP)
What are limitations of the pH Partition Hypothesis?
- type of epithelium- SA of absorption site- ionised drugs will be absorbed to small extent- active transport of drugs- residence time of drug at target- mass fluid transfer- charged drugs may form ion pairs w/ oppositely charged species