water, mucus, electrolytes, enzymes (eg salivary amylase)saliva aids/hinders drug absorptionEg sublingually, drug can be washed down by saliva and swallowed, so could undergo hepatic first pass effect
saliva, mucus, taste, irritation, pt compliance, residence timeEg don't eat/drink an hour after taking sublingual dosage form to avoid hepatic first pass
How can we treat hypogonadism?How is this administered? Why?
- Testosterne- Testosterone is highly metabolised by hepatic first pass- so given bucally/sublingually/transdermally- on skin, can transfer between partners- can cause dysgeusia
Eg how can sublingual tablets be used to treat opioid addiction?What's it given with?
Buprenorphine = od sublingual tablet- opiod agonist- given w/naloxone to remove potential for abuse- naloxone not absorbed well in mouth: passes to GI tract and is metabolisedNaloxone = Antagonist
How can insulin be delivered orally?What does the inhaler contain?How does it work?
via Pressured Metred Dose Inhaler (MDI)Contains surfactant (to prevent aggregation), solubiliser, emulsifying agents, micelle-creating agentMicelles punch holes in membranes at the back of the throat so insulin can pass through mucosa
What are some advantages to oral transmucosal insulin delivery?
non-invasive, safe, rapid onset of action, precise dose control, ease of administration, convenient, similar timing of release into systematic circulation
- highly vascularised- avoids hepatic first pass if drug enters inferior/middle haemorrhoidal artery- BUT susceptible to hepatic first pass if drug goes further up, eg to superior arteryEg lidocaine is metabolised by cytochrome P450 in liver if infusion is high in rectum
Diazepam is extesively metabolised to active metabolite in liver- used for management of acute seizures- diffusion of rectal gel is slower, so can maintain [drug] for longer time period- low levels of metabolite as bypasses liver
- avoids hepatic first pass if low- safe, painless- avoids degradation in GI tract- good alternative to oral delivery in some pt groups- extended absorption possible