Ethics of DT

Cards (5)

    Serious side effects
    • Antipsychotics: uncomfortable facial movements known as tardive dyskinesia and headaches + nausea
    • Agonist/antagonist: methadone = respiratory + stomach issues, naltrexone = liver function, both increases chance of overdose
    Explain: Unethical to pose harm but can be argues if it is worth it do decrease suffering in addict
    Issues gaining valid consent
    Evidence: Psychotic means they may lose touch with reality and drugs may be administered without consent
    Explain: lack of understanding of possible side effects? , is it ethical to treat people without their will?
    Chemical straightjacket
    Evidence: Thomas Szasz
    -Antipsychotics aren't really therapeutic they are a way of keeping troublesome people under control
    Explain: Labelling people as mentally ill = excluding non-conformists from society
    Doesn’t effectively treat root of problem, only symptoms 
    Evidence: Doesn’t resolve any underlying issue causing addiction in the first place, therefore doesn’t cure 
    -remain on methadone long term
    Explain:Not effective cure, just controls symptoms
  • Ethics-Conclusions
    • DT viewed unethical as they are a ‘sticking plaster’ rather than cure for psychological issues that don’t offer a long term treatment solution
    • Ethical weakness may be outweighed by helping individuals be free of symptoms of schizophrenia/kickstart abstinence in addiction