Cards (10)

  • Evidence of an impairment
    • manner of driving
    • drivers physical condition
    • specimen
  • FIT or EBA
    • suspect alcohol or drug
    • suspect moving traffic offence
    • suspect involvement of accident
    • only need 1 of these
  • S.4 RTA 1988 Unfit
    A persons ability to drive properly is, for the time being, impaired
  • S.11 RTA Definition of Drug
    Any intoxicant other than alcohol
  • National MG DD forms
    • MGDD/A - always
    • MGDD/B - blood
    • MGDD/C - casualty
    • MGDD/D - defence
    • MGDD/E - evidence
    • MGDD/F - FIT
  • Requirement for a FIT test can be made by any Constable
    But they must be in uniform to administer the test
  • S.9 RTA
    • when a person is in hospital they are not required to co-operate with a PIT to provide under S.7 RTA
    • Unless you inform the medical practitioner in immediate charge of their case
  • FIT tests
    1. Pupillary examination
    2. Romberg balance test
    3. Walk and turn test
    4. One leg stand test
    5. Finger to nose test
  • Walk and turn test observations
    B - balance during instruction
    S - starts too soon
    S - stops whilst walking
    O - offline
    W - wrong number of steps
    H - heel to toe
    A - arms to balance
    T - turns improperly
  • One leg stand test impairment indicators
    D - drops foot
    A - arms to balance
    S - sways
    H - hops
    • foot not parallel to floor
    • instructions not followed