what was the single largest cause of death in the mid-19th century?
where did record-keeping of public health begin in the mid-19th century?
England and Wales
what were the 3 major epidemics of the mid-19th century?
cholera, typhoid, and smallpox
who created the commonly used definition of public health?
the AIDS epidemic took place in the 1980s
AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
what are the 3 core functions of public health?
the TenEssentialPublicHealthServices originated from the 3 core functions of public health
ASSESSMENT (1): monitor health status to identify community health problems
ASSESSMENT (2): diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the community
POLICY DEVELOPMENT (3): inform, educate, and empower people about health issues
POLICY DEVELOPMENT (4): mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems
POLICY DEVELOPMENT (5): develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts
ASSURANCE (6): enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety
ASSURANCE (7): link people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable
ASSURANCE (8): assure a competent public health and personal healthcare workforce
ASSURANCE (9): evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population-based health services
SERVING ALL FUNCTIONS (10): research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems
medicine is concerned with individual patients while public health regards the community as its patient
assessment is the diagnostic function of public health ; involves the collection, assembly, analysis, and communication of the health of the population
policy development is the use of scientific knowledge to develop a strategy for improving community health
the assurance function of public health is equivalent to a doctor's actual treatment of their patient
less than 3% of the United States' total health spending is for public health
the life expectancy of Americans went from 47 to 77 years over the course of the 20th century
the community or government must decide to accept or reject the recommendations of public health experts
MADD stands for mothersagainstdrunkdriving
in which function do politics enter the public health process?
policydevelopment and assurance
since the community pays for treatment through taxes, they must decide how much "health" they are willing to fund
provision of basic medical services is included in which function of public health?
epidemiology and statistics are the basis for the assessment function of public health
health policy, management, and administration is apart of which public health function?
epidemiology focuses on human populations, usually starting with outbreak of disease within a community
epidemiologists are looking for the causative factor among people who are sick
public health relies heavily on biomedical sciences to understand infectious agents
environmental health science is concerned with preventing the spread of disease through food, water, and air
what is the 5 step approach to health problems in a community?
define the health problem
identify the associated risk factors
develop and test community-levelinterventions to control or prevent the cause
implement interventions
monitor interventions to assess effectiveness
intervention is a generic term used to describe a program or policy designed to have an impact on a health problem
primary prevention prevents an illness or injury from occurring at all by preventing exposure to the riskfactors
secondary prevention minimizes the severity of an illness or injury
tertiary prevention seeks to minimize disability by providing medical care and rehabilitation