Cards (8)

    • widespread in rural south
    • 1930's most peasants worked 16 hour days and only earned 5 pesetas a day
    • wage had to cover debt and living costs
    • peasant families could not afford meat, fish or eggs
    • wages could rise to 15 pesetas a day at harvest time
    • agricultural work was seasonal
    • some were only employed 130 days a year and had to save a large proportion of their wages to get through the periods of unemployment.
    • peasants were hit hard by a drought and the impact of the Great Depression, peasants were known to steal acorns and animal fodder to live on.
    • Rural churches organised charity
    • landowners did little to help
    • urban w/c were better of than rural peasantry
    • urban worker earned 3x more than a rural daily worker.
    • peasants moved to cities to escape poverty
    • 1920's - population of Spain's major cities doubled.
    • conditions were harsh - no houses or facilities, which led to the introduction of shanty towns
    • new factories were often hastily put together and dangerous
    • spanish society was highly unequal
    • compared to r/c the w/c were impoverished
    • poverty and inequality = social conflict. - wanted better pay and working conditions