KQ1: Tensions reaching no return

Cards (15)

  • Factors:
    1. Nature of colonial society
    2. Taxation
    3. Boston, 1770
  • Nature of colonial society:
    • Protestant majority, landowners
    • Loyalty to local communities and churches
    • Assemblies responsible for controlling expenses (50 - 80% white)
    • Self-governing democracy w/ white men upstanding
    • Colonial assemblies finance local services, officials and legislation BUT opposed British tax (sugar act)
    • Formed National Assembly of 13 colonies
  • What was a key example of colonial society opposing British taxation?
    Sugar Act, 1764, colonies petition against tax separately so somewhat easier to ignore
  • Why was there a need for the British to tax the Americans so heavily?
    Seven Years War, debt doubled to £133M and colonial costs rose to £350k in 1763.
    • £4.4M out of £8m govt income spent on debt repayments
  • What was ‘statutory neglect‘ and what issues did it cause?
    ‘soft-touch‘, less regulation of Navigation Acts, smuggling was rife and local deputies given jobs of custom officials
    • issues: meant that when Acts were more enforced there was outrage
  • Prior to the Sugar Act (1764) customs officials live in America, British men act as deputies, and smuggler trials were moved to naval Halifax courts
    • 1764 Sugar Act lowered duty but more enforced, 9 assemblies pushback and alcohol duties affected
    • 1765 Mutiny Act, colonies to house British troops, NY refuse and get restraining act 1766
    • Stamp Act, 1765, tax on paper, resolutions passed to condemn Act, repealed 1766 BUT Declatory Act states colonies were under Crown
  • Townsend Duties 1767, collection of customs and duties (wine, tea, China) introduced and expected to raise £40k annually.
    • 1773 Tea Act allow EIC trade with America -> increase in EIC profits due to tax on tea
    • 1774 Coercive Acts, last straw, Boston port closed + governor to appoint/ remove officials, trials transferred to England, more power to military commander
  • Why were the Townsend duties, sugar act and coercive acts introduced? What impact did they have on Americans?
    To find British defence forces and consolidate debt (Britain unable to pay for army, govt debt doubled to £133m, colonial + defence costs rose to £35k in 1763)
    Increasing frustration with British actions -> ‘no taxation without representation‘
  • Why were there clashes and rising tensions between colonists and British soldiers?
    British troops increased, riots on market days, British kill 11-year old w/ 5k attending funeral, workers attack soldiers
    • on 5th March, troops guarding customs house fired into crowds, killing 5 (Boston Massacre)
  • British repealed Townsend duties on 5th March, bringing about 1770-73 years of peace
  • What was the population make-up like?
    1/3rd of each loyalists, patriots and neutrals; patriots wealthy and made 45% of pop; loyalists were varied and lacked unity; neutrals were appeased by the repeal of the Townsend duties
  • There was a lack of unity between colonists between colonies due to financial and religious divisions, nearly a CW in Carolinas (1770s).
    Sam Adams set up the Committee of Correspondence to allow communication across colonies.
  • Boston Tea Party:
    • Condemned by Committee of Correspondence
    • 60 Sons of Liberty threw £10k of tea into the sea
  • 1774 Coercive Acts aimed to isolate Boston by closing the Boston port, governor allowed to appoint / remove officials, military commanders are given more power
    Later followed by Quebec Act (Church to collect tithes and more religious freedoms)