MD Central incisors

Cards (45)

  • initiation of calcification of central incisor?
    3.5 months
  • crown complete of central incisors?
    4.5 years
  • eruption of CI?
    6.5 years
  • root complete of CI?
    9 years
  • there are four mandibular incisors?
    2 CI and 2 LI
  • the central and lateral incisors appear quite similar although the _ is larger?
    lateral incisors
  • being the mandibular central incisor the _ tooth in the oral cavity?
  • viewed from the proximal surface, the mandibular incisors have
    the same wedge shape as the maxillary incisors, and so are
    suited for?
    incising food
  • the FDI of right mandibular central incisor?
  • the FDI of left mandibular central incisor?
  • the Palmer's of right mandibular central incisor?
  • the Palmer's of left mandibular central incisor?
    ⎾ 1
  • the universal of right mandibular central incisor?
  • the universal of left mandibular central incisor?
  • _symmetric from labial or lingual view?
  • does central incisor has developmental groove or depression in crown?
  • how many antagonist does central incisor has?
  • mandibular central incisor and the ___ are the only teeth
    that have one antagonist?
    maxillary third molar
  • Location of Contact Area in mesial?
    incisal angle
  • Location of Contact Area in distal?
    incisal angle
  • crown outline of Md Central incisor?
  • Incisal edge: _ and at __ to
    (_ to) the long axis line of the tooth?
    straight, right angle, perpendicular
  • Proximal line angles are sharp almost?
    90 angles
  • in proximal line, however, the DILA is slightly more _ than the
  • The incisal 1/3 of the crown surface is relatively?
  • The cervical two thirds of the surface is?
  • CI, in labial surface it is?
    bilaterally symmetrical
  • labial surface, The apex may , _____ but it will rarely if ever be curved to any great extent?
    slightly incline towards the distal
  • The lingual fossa is _ in shape,
    will be __?
    trapezoidal, very shallow
  • the lingual fossa is limited to the two-
    thirds of the crown?
    incisal and middle third
  • In lingual surface, The cingulum will be smoothly rounded and ___ as the cinguli of the maxillary incisors?
    not as prominent
  • In proximal surface, The width from labial to lingual
    is _ à provide stability in
    the bone for such a small tooth?
  • in proximal surface, The root remains broad for __of its length, tapering
    only at the __?
    two thirds, apical third
  • in proximal surface, Both mesial and distal surfaces have a __ extending most of the root length?
    deep depression
  • in mesial surface, The cervical line curves _ more on the mesial surface than on the distal surface?
  • in mesial surface, The root converges apically, evenly toward a?

    relatively blunt (rounded) root end
  • in mesial surface, A ____ is
    usually found for most of the length of
    the root?
    broad longitudinal root depression
  • The cervical line curves _ on the
    distal than on the mesial surface?
  • The broad root depression may be _ on the distal surface of the root than on its mesial ?
  • in incisal surface, the _ diameter is more then the MeDi width?
    labial and lingual