Instrumentation: It's like using smart machines to measure and control things automatically.
INSTRUMENTION: It's using tech and gadgets to find and control stuff like movement, light, color, and acidity
Control System:Think of it like a brain that gets info from tools, figures out what to do, and then tweaks a process or system to make it different.
Control System:A system of integrated elements whose function is to maintain a process variable at a desired value or within a desired range of values.
INDUSTRIAL PROCESS CONTROL: In the old days, people did it by hand using their eyes, touch, and hearing. So, it relied completely on the operator's skills.
MONDERN INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SYSTEMS:They're like smart systems with both hardware and software that can do different types of control, like direct digital, distributed, programmable, and PID (a type of control method).
INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL:They work like the nervous system in factories and power plants, helping control and coordinate everything.
INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL:They're crucial for tasks that need smarts to make something or get a job done.
Process:It's the actual thing we're trying to control or measure. Like a water filter, melting metal, steam boiler, oil refinery, or power generator.
Process Variable: It's the specific thing we're measuring in a process, like pressure, level, temperature, flow, electrical conductivity, pH, position, speed, or vibration.
Controlled Variable: It's the thing we're keeping in check at a certain value or range. For example, if we're talking about a storage tank, the level of the tank is what we're controlling.
Manipulated Variable: It's the thing we tweak or handle to change the process variable (PV). It's like the signal telling the system what to do to control the process.
Setpoint: It's the goal value for the thing we're controlling in the process. In simpler terms, it's like the target we want to hit for the process variable.
Primary Sensing Element: It's a gadget that feels the process variable and turns it into an analog signal, like electrical voltage or mechanical force. Examples are things like thermocouples, microphones, or accelerometers.
Transducer: It's any device that changes one type of energy into another, like a microphone or a thermocouple.
Transmitter: It's a device that takes the signal from the main sensor and turns it into a standard signal, like 4-20 mA electric current or 3-15 PSI air pressure. This signal can then be sent to a display or a control system.
Controller:It's like a smart device that gets a signal from a sensor, compares it to the target value (setpoint), and then figures out what signal to send to something like a motor or valve to make things right.
Final Control Element: It's a gadget that directly acts on the signal from a controller to impact the process. Examples include things like a variable-speed electric motor, a control valve, or an electric heater.
Manual Mode:It's like handing over control from the smart machine to a human operator, letting them decide the signal that goes to the final control device.
Automatic Mode:It's when the controller decides what signal to send by comparing the actual process variable (PV) to the desired setpoint (SP).
Process control:It's like a system used in industries to automatically manage a process without humans needing to step in.
Control loop:Think of it as a setup for a control system that handles a process using parts that sense, adjust, and take action. It's basically how the control system organizes and manages the control parameters.
Control and Instrumentation: It is what we need to upgrade to make a process work better.
Quality, Quantity, Efficiency: These dictates how profitable and high-quality the product or service will be from a system.
Nervous System: It is like the boss in our body – it controls, regulates, and communicates everything. It's in charge of all the thinking, learning, and remembering stuff.
Nervous System: It is like a superhighway of nerves and cells that send messages back and forth between the brain, spinal cord, and different parts of the body.
Nervous System: It is like the body's boss; it starts from the brain and runs the show, telling your body how to move, think, and react. It's also in charge of things like digestion, breathing, and even stuff like puberty.
Measurement: It is important because without it, there's no point trying to control it, especially in industries.
Final Control Device: It is like the boss that does the real action, whether it's opening a valve, turning on a motor, or heating something up, based on what was measured.
Final Control Device: Examples of these are electric motors, electric heaters, and others.
Measurement Device: It is something that checks and tells us the amount of a certain thing, like temperature or fluid flow.
Home thermostat is an example of measurement and control system.
Process: It may refer to the control system's management of the home's internal air temperature.
Setpoint: It is like the target temperature that the control system, managed by the thermostat, tries to keep the home at. It's the desired level of comfort for the air temperature.
Open Loop: It is a type of control system where monitoring is performed usually manually
Open Loop: It is a type of control system where it returns to measurement after a meaurement has been made.
Open Loop: It is a type of control system where example is a conveyor belt carrying a material.
Open Loop: It is a type of control system where example is an alarm activates if the weight exceeded.
Closed Loop: It is a type of control system where measurement is compared to a set of value.
Closed Loop: It is a type of control system keeps adjusting the until the set value and measurement are equal.