Wordly Wise 3000 book 10 lesson 3

Cards (15)

  • Curtail
    V. To cut short or reduce
  • discriminate
    V. 1 to make or recognize clear distinctions 2. To treat in a less or more favorable way segregate, single out, biased, differentiate
  • Espionage
    The act of spying, especially a government spy obtaining secrets of another government
  • Inalienable
    Not able to be taken or given away
  • Incarcerate
    To confirm or put in prison
  • Indignity
    An insult to one's pride; offensive or humiliating treatment
  • Indiscriminate
    Not marked by careful distinctions, haphazard, random
  • Infamous
    1. Having a very bad reputation; notorious 2. Disgraceful; vicious
  • Intercede
    To act or plead on another's behalf; to try to smooth the difference between two parties
  • Malign
    To say negative and unfair and things about; slander Evil; showing Ill will
  • Perpetrate
    To commit, as a crime or other antisocial act.
  • Rampant
    Threateningly wild, without restraint or control; widespread
  • Rancor
    A deep, long-held feeling of hatred or bitterness
  • Reparation
    1. A mending or repair 2. A making up or payment for a wrong or damage done, especially in the case of an international war
  • Smattering
    1. Superficial scattered knowledge 2. A small amount