Indigenous Media is defined as variety of media expression conceptualized, produced, and circulated by indigenous people with information appropriate to their culture.
Indigenous Media is a reflection of the indigenous communities and has been used as a powerful social movement catalyst all over the world.
Indigenous Knowledge – it is a unique knowledge from a specific culture or society.
Indigenous Communication – it is the transmission of information through local channels or forms by which the culture is preserved, handed down and adapted.
Characteristics of Indigenous Media:
oral tradition of communication
store information in memories
information exchange is face-to-face
information is contain within the border of the community
Forms of indigenous media:
Folk or traditional media
Gatherings and social organizations
Records (written, carved, oral)
Examples of indigenous media:
Folk epics
Riddle (Bugtong) - it is usually a test of wit which requires the audience sees the meeting between the object referred to.
Proverb (Salawikain) – it makes a statement about what it describes. They provide people with lessons that allow them to cope with the problems of living.
Folkepics – These are known as a long oral narrative based on tradition, beliefs, customs, ideals, and social values. Some ethnic groups have preserved some epics, sometimes called Ethno Epics
Pasyon (Passion of Christ) – It is a popular Lenten activity to purify one’s soul. Chanting in vernacular Biblical passages. Chanters knelt devoutly for long hours, usually had memorized the entire book from the temptation of Adam and Eve, to the birth, suffering, and death of Christ
Cenaculo – It is a theatrical presentation of passion and death of Jesus Christ.
Tanaga (shortpoems) - referred as Talinhaga which is associated with mystery, obscurity, and parabolic speech.
Purpose of indigenous media:
To disseminate information
To entertain the natives in various occasions
Serves as an oral history to be passed to the next generations
Act as socializingagent among the people living in the community
Library is a place where artistic, literary, musical and reference materials such manuscripts, books, and films are kept for use or borrow and not for sale.
Types of Libraries
Academic Library
Public Library
School Library
Special Library.
Academic Library. This is for Colleges and Universities
Public Library. This is for cities and towns
School Library. This is for students from Kindergarten to Grade 12
Special Library. This is in specialized environment such as hospitals, private business and the government.
Different information resources that can be found in the library:
Books is one of the best source of information. Books cover virtually any topic, fact or fiction.
Articles is a piece of writing about particular subject that is include in a magazine, newspaper, etc.
Examples of articles:
Scholar / Academic Journals is a collection of articles usually written by scholars in an academic or professional field.
Trade Publications are intended for professional organizations or professionals or scholars with similar interests.
Magazines is a collection of articles and images about diverse topics of popular interest and current event.
Newspapers are collections of articles about current events usually published daily.
Almanac are annual publication listing a set of events forthcoming in the next year. It includes information like weather forecasts, farmers' planting dates, tide tables, and other tabular data often arranged according to the calendar.
INTERNET is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocol and considered as the leading source of information in the digital age.
Evaluation Criteria on How to Assess Online Resources
Currency. It is the timeliness of information.
Relevance. It is the significance of the information that you need.
Authority. It is the source of information.
Accuracy. It is the closeness of the report to the actual data
Purpose. The reason why it is created.
Skills in determining the reliability of information: