P included in PSPACE because every polynomial runtime copmutation can only exhaust a polynomial number of tape cells
NP included in PSPACE because if A in NP, we can re-use tape space to cycle through all possible short certificates to decide wheter x in A or not in A
PSPACE included in EXP because there are 'only' exponentially many TM configurations to visit throughout the course of computation
3-SAT : NP co-NP
palindrome : P
Factoring problem : NP co-NP
optimaly strategy for boolean 2-player : PSPACE
contained in co-np:
graph - non - ismorphism
size 2k-1 = O(mk)
depth log_2(k) + log_2(m) = O(log(km))
DNF : connected by OR
CNF : connected by AND
Toffoli gate :
NOT(x) = T'(1,1,x)
OR(x,y) = T'(1, y, T'(x,y,z))
AND(x,y) = T(x,y,0)
P included in PSIZE
PSIZE contains the unary halting problem while NP doesn't