Long and Short-Term Changes in Climate

Cards (9)

  • what have scientists discovered about earth's climate?
    it goes through a variety of natural changes
  • what are long-term changes due to?
    continental drift or variations in earth's orbit
  • what are short-term changes due to?
    natural events or changes in air/ocean currents
  • what is continental drift?
    the shifting of plate tectonics which cause climate differences
  • what did milutin milancovitch calculate?
    that the earth's orbit changes in three ways
    • eccentricity: the shape becomes more elliptical over 100 000 years
    • tilt: the tilt changes from 22.1 to 24.5 degrees over 41 000 years
    • precession: earth slowly wobbles on its axis over 24 500 years (angle of tilt is same, direction changes)
  • volcanic eruptions
    launch dust and sulfer dioxide which cools the earth
  • air/ocean currents
    the ice from the last ice age messed with the thermohaline circulation when melted
  • if the sun's radiation drops, the earth cools down