
Cards (10)

  • On another occasion we got sent out
  • I see every round as it rips through his life
  • One of my mates goes by and tosses his guts back into his body
  • The drink and the drugs won't flush him out
  • but near the knuckle, here and now, his bloody life in my bloody hands
  • On another occasion we got sent out
    One of many
    Passive language- dismissal, punishment, expelled from his own identity
  • I see every round as it rips through his life
    Personal pronoun- takes blame
    Round- cyclical structure of patriotism, memory keeps coming back
  • The drink and the drugs won't flush him out
    Addiction trying to escape memories
    Wide political point- soldiers remain with experiences, representing many soldiers
    Metaphor- image in his head is waste he wants to get rid of
  • One of my mates goes by and tosses his guts back into his body
    Colloquial language- desensitised
    Sibilance- sinister mood trying to seem normal
    Allusion to being sick
  • But near the knuckle, his bloody life in my bloody hands 

    Discordance- shows lack of control
    Literary allusion- motif of blood as guilt
    Personal pronoun- blames himself