Case studies

Cards (8)

  • Oxana Malaya
    • raised by dogs
    • Found at 8 years old, post 'critical stage'
    • Learned to speak fluently and intelligibly
    • has an intellectual impairment, contrasts cognitivisim
    • was raised with a lack of social and intellectual stimulation
  • Little albert
    • Watson and Rayner
    • every time albert reached for a white rat a loud noise would occour
    • eventually albert developed a fear of the rat due to association with the noise
    • negative reinforcement
  • Bobo doll
    • School of thought: behaviourisism
    • Albert Bandura
    • imitation theory
    • emphasizes the need for language modeling
  • Nicaraguan sign langauge
    • when deaf children met together in schools for the first time they created their own sign language
    • suggesting an innate capacity to use language
    • school of thought: nativisim
  • Victor
    • Was feral until age 12 past critical stage
    • He never spoke
    • supports 'critical period'
  • Isabelle
    • Deaf, mute mother, only person Isabelle was exposed to until age 6
    • she acquired an extensive vocabulary
    • age 6 is within critical period when 'brain plasticity' is high
  • Genie
    • was in captivity from 20 months to 13 years well past critical period
    • whenever she made a noise she was beaten
    • Genie never progressed beyond the speech of a 3 year old
    • supports behaviourist school of thought
  • Gusii tribe mothers
    • they believe that children cannot understand language so its useless to talk to them until they are older
    • refutes interactionalism school of thought