Unit 2

Cards (43)

  • Deductive reasoning
    A theory based approach that concludes with generalizations made based on research findings
  • Inductive reasoning
    Data driven approach that begins with observations and ends with theory construction
  • Exploratory research
    Explores an area of interest that very little is known about
  • Deductive research
    Describes features and characteristics of a group, event, activity or situation
  • Explanatory research
    Explains aspects of a particular social phenomenon
  • Evaluation research
    Assesses the need for or the effectiveness of social programs
  • Empowerment research
    Examines social settings and conditions to identify key issues and involves stakeholders for the purpose of improvement
  • Participatory action research
    A field method involving stakeholders as co-researchers in a collaborative process designed to improve outcomes
  • Conduction research steps
    1. Research question - what interests you
    2. Literature review - What is already known about the topic
    3. Narrowed focus - How can you transform your research interest into a study
    4. research design - what is your proposed research design
    5. Data collection - how will you collect your data
    6. Data analysis - what can you do with the data
    7. Draw conclusions - what does the data tell you
    8. Report findings - how can you share what you find
  • Ethical conduction of research
    1. Respect for persons
    2. Concern for welfare
    3. Justice
  • Qualitative methods
    Used to better understand social phenomena using inductive reasoning and non-numerical data
  • Quantitative methods
    Used to test hypothesis based on deductive reasoning and numerical data
  • Experiment
    A deductive research method for testing a hypothesis through us of a controlled environment and random assignment
  • Independent variable
    The presumed cause of a variable that is manipulated in an experiment
  • Control group
    Participants in an experiment who are not exposed to the independent variable
  • Dependent variable
    The outcome or variable that is measured in an experiment
  • Field experiment
    An experiment design constructed in a real-life setting where the variables of interest occur naturally
  • Survey
    A method of gathering options using a questionnaire
  • Representative sample
    A group that closely resembles the population of interest
  • Interview
    A verbal question and answer technique used for obtaining information on a topic
  • Secondary analysis of existing data
    A research method used to examine information on a topic of interest that was collected or created by someone other than the researcher for an unrelated purpose
  • Content analysis
    A secondary analysis technique used to systematically examine messages contained in text or portrayed in images
  • Discourse analysis
    The use of multiple methods to critically examine the ways in which language is used to convey social constructions and social relations
  • Historical analysis
    The examination and interpretation of historical forms of data
  • Ethnography
    Fieldwork designed to describe everyday behavior in natural settings
  • Systematic observation
    A naturalistic way to collect data on a social group that doesn't involve participation
  • Participant observation
    A naturalistic method for collecting systematic data while taking apart in a social group
  • Single case design
    Case study research that focuses on only one person organization or event
  • Convergent design
    Used at least one qualitative and quantitative method at the same time to compare the different perspectives as part of the overall data integration
  • Operationalization
    The process whereby variables are defined in a precise mannerthat is measurable
  • Empowerment
    A type of research that examines social settings and conditions toidentify key issues and involves stakeholders for the purpose ofimprovement
  • Evaluation
    A type of research that assesses the need for or effectiveness ofa social program
  • Unstandardized
    A type of interview that has no set format so that the order orwording of questions can be modified.
  • Concept
    An abstract idea expressed as a word or a phrase
  • Reliability
    There is consistency in the measure for a variable of interest
  • Systematic Observation
    A type of observation that is based on a naturalistic but non-participatory method for collecting data on a social group orprocess
  • Content analysis
    The researcher is able to identify a given person’s responses, butpromises not to do so
  • Debriefing
    The later disclosure of all relevant details in cases where researchparticipants cannot be told all of the information ahead of time
  • Descriptive
    A type of research that describes features and characteristics of agroup, event, or situation
  • Participatory action
    A field of research methods involving stakeholdersas co-researchers in a collaborative process designed to improveoutcomes