Clinically significant Enymes

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  • Alkaline Phosphatase or ALP, catalyzes the hydrolysis of various phosphoesters at an alkaline pH
  • Optimum pH for ALP is 9-10 pH
  • ALP needs magnesium as an activator
  • ALP has six isoenzymes:
    1. Liver ALP
    2. Bone ALP
    3. Placental ALP
    4. Intestinal ALP
    5. Regan ALP
    6. Nagao ALP
  • Liver ALP is the most anodal, the fastest to migrate to the anode
  • Regan ALP is associated with lung, breast and gynecological cancers
  • Nagao ALP is associated with adenocarcinoma of pancreas, bile duct and pleural cancer
  • ALP is EC
  • Methods of analysis for ALP include:
    1. Kay and Bodansky
    2. King Armstrong Method
    3. Bowers and McComb
  • In Kay and Bodansky the analyte measured is Inorganic phosphate
  • In King Armstrong Method the anlyte measured is Phenol
  • In Bowers and McComb, the pH is required to be 10.2 pH and is measured at 405 nm. Reference Range is 30-90 U/L (30C)
  • ALP interferences:
    1. Hemolysis - slight elevation (ALP is 6 times more concentrated in RBC than in serum
    2. 3–10% increase upon standing at room temp or 4C
    3. Diet: 25% higher in high-fat meal
  • Problem in using Electrophoresis in ALP identification is that it has overlapping fractions
  • Immunochemical Assay in ALP determination is used for Bone ALP determination
  • In heat Inactivation, if 20% is lost after heating it is bone ALP. If it is 20% more after heating, it is liver ALP.
  • Phenyl alanine inhibits intestinal and placental ALP
  • L-leucine inhibits Nagao ALP
  • Acid Phosphatase or ACP catalyzes the same reaction made by ALP but in an acidic environment.
  • Acid phosphatase is active as pH 5
  • Major Tissue location for ACP is prostate
  • Substrate for Kay and Bodansky is Beta-glycerophosphate
  • Substrate for King Armstrong method is Phenylphosphate
  • Substrate of Bowers and McComb is P-nitrophenyl phosphate
  • L-tartrate inhibits prostatic ACP
  • 2% Formaldehyde and 0.001M cupric sulfate inhibits RBC ACP
  • ACP is tested using Thymolphthalein monophosphate as substrate at pH 5.4. Here thymol is measured at 595 nm
  • For calculating Prostatic ACP, L-tartrate-inhibited activity is subtracted from the total ACP activity. This method is used for quantitative end-point reaction.
  • For continuous monitoring method in ACP measurement, Nitrophenyl phosphate is the substrate at 5.4 pH. And products are then put into a following reaction to produce the Chromogen that is measured.
  • Sources of Error for ACP measurement:
    1. Hemolysis
    2. Decreases upon standing
  • Reference range for ACP is 0-3.5 ng/mL
  • P2-PSA is an isoform of ACP that is a tumor marker for pancreatic cancer
  • Aspartate aminotransferase or AST was originally known as Serum Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase or SGOT
  • The decrease in NADH concentration in AST determination is measured at 340 nm.
  • The decrease in NADH concentration is proportional to the AST/SGOT activity
  • The substrate for AST determination are L-Aspartate and alpha-keto glutarate. The Oxaloacetate is then reacted with NADH to produce malate, NAD and water.
  • Pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (P.5'.P) and Pyridoxamine.5'.phosphate are the coenzyme in the amino-transfer that AST catalyzes and these coenzyme increases the AST activity.
  • Source of Error for AST:
    1. Hemolysis
  • Refernce range for AST/SGOT is 5-30 U/L
  • AST principles:
    1. Karmen - main
    2. Wroblewski and LaDue
    3. Henry
    4. Amador and Wacker
    5. IFCC
    6. Bergmeyer