Penjodoh bilangan (numerical coefficient/quantifier)

Cards (10)

  • ekor: used for all kinds of animals
  • Biji: used for things that are (only one requirement needs to be met)
    1. Usually small
    2. Quite round
    3. classified in types of fruits
  • Pasang: used for paired objects and people such as shoes, husband and wife, gloves
  • Buah: Used for things that are
    1. Usually big
    2. Place
    3. Buildings
    4. Vehicle
  • Orang: used for people (used before the occupation of the person)
  • Helai
    For thin, flat items like clothes, paper
  • batang
    for long, cylindrical objects
  • keping
    for thin, flat items
  • pucuk
    for firearms or weapons
  • tangkai
    for items with a handle or stem