Cards (5)

  • Flagellants whipping themselves. They believed plague was a punishment from God for their sins. They are punishing
    themselves in the hope that God will not bring
    the plague on them.
  • let it be known that holy processions are to be held in our cathedral and in every parish church, and that a special prayer be
    said every day for stopping the pestilence.
  • Escaping the plague was the best advice for prevention. Guy de
    Chauliac, the physician to the Pope advised people to ‘Go quick-
    ly, go far and return slowely’ as it was essential to escape the
    miasma. He even surrounded the Pope in a ring of fire to pre-
    vent the spread of miasma.
  • Many went on pilgrimages to religious tombs of
    saints to show God they were worthy, so to not
    be punished.
  • People also fasted or lit large numbers of candles as
    an offering to God.