Competition is the rivalry that exists between businesses in a market as they seek to gain a share of the market and influence customers to buy their product/service
Influence of competition on a business:
Customer needs
Competition influences innovation as a greater number of competitors in an industry forces businesses to innovate in respect of products, design and delivery and/or business processes
Competition influences banding as businesses need to build and maintain strong brand images in order to grow market share and revenues
Competition influences differentiation as businesses must create and maintain unique selling points that differentiate their products/services from rivals in order to maintain market share
Market opportunities exist in a competitive market due to a perceived gap in the market, therefore businesses can create a niche market for their products and take advantage of opportunities to increase sales revenue
Competition influences customer needs as businesses must focus on meeting the needs of customers in order to increase market share and secure growth
Market share represents the proportion of sales a business has achieved, expressed as a percentage of the total sales in the market during a specific time period
Market growth represents the increase in market size (measured in terms of quantity and/or revenue) for a product or service over time
Market size represents the total value or quantity of products sold by companies in the market