Biological Molecules

Cards (68)

  • Define Momonmer
    Smaller units that join together to form larger molecules
  • Define Polymer
    Molecules formed when many monomers join together
  • What happens in a condensation reaction?

    A chemical bond forms between 2 molecules and a molecule of water is produced
  • What happens in a hydrolysis reaction?

    A water molecule is used to break a chemical bond between 2 molecules
  • Name the three hexose monosaccharides

    ~ Glucose
    ~ Fructose
    ~ Galactose
  • Name the type of bond formed when monosaccharides react

    ~ two monomers = Disaccaride
    ~ Multiple monomers = Polysaccaride
  • Name three disaccharides
    ~ Glucose + Glucose = Maltose
    ~ Glucose + Fructose = Sucrose
    ~ Glucose + Galactose = Lactose
  • Describe the structure and functions of starch
    ~ Storage polymer for a-glucose in plant cells
    ~ insoluble so has no osmotic effect on cells
    ~ Large so does not diffuse out of cells
    ~ Made from amylose
    ~ Made from amylopectin which is highly branched
  • Describe the structure and functions of glycogen
    ~ Main storage polymer of a-glucose in animal cells
    ~ Also found in plant cells
    ~ Insoluble so no osmotic effect and does not diffuse out of cells
    ~ Branched so can be hydrolised quickly
    ~ Compact
  • Describe the structure and functions of cellulose
    ~ Polymer of b-glucose
    ~ Gives rigidity to plant cell walls
    ~ Straight and unbranched
  • Describe the Benedict's test for reducing sugars
    ~ Add an equal volume of Benedict's reagent to a sample
    ~ Heat the mixture in an electric water bath at 100°c for 5 minutes
    ~ Positive result: Colour change from blue to orange and brick red precipitate forms
  • Describe the Benedict's test for non-reducing sugars
    ~ Negative result: Benedict's reagent remains blue
    ~ Hydrolyse non-reducing sugars into their monomers by adding 1cm³ of HCl
    ~ Heat in a boiling water bath for 5 minutes
    ~ Neutralise the mixture using sodium carbonate solution
    ~Proceed with the benedict's test as usual
  • Describe the test for starch
    ~ Add iodine solution
    ~ Postitive result: Colour change from orange to blue-black
  • Outline how colorimetry could be used to give qualitative results for the presence of sugars and starch
    ~ Make standard solutions with known concentrations
    ~ Record absorbance or % transmission values
    ~ Plot calibration curve: absorbance or % transmission on the y-axis and concentration on the x-axis
    ~ Record absorbance or % transmission values of unknown samples.
    ~ Use calibration curve to read off concentration
  • Describe how to test for lipids in a sample

    ~ Dissolve solid samples in ethanol
    ~ Add an equal volume of water and shake
    ~ Positive result: Milky white emulsion forms
  • How do triglycerides form?
    Condensation reaction between one molecule of glycerol and three fatty acids forms ester bonds
  • Contrast saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
    ~ Contain only single bonds
    ~ Straight chain molecules
    ~ Higher melting point = solid at room temperature
    ~ Found in animals fats
    ~ Contain C=C double bonds
    ~ Kinked molecules have fewer contact points
    ~ Lower melting point = liquid at room temperature
    ~ Found in plant oils
  • Relate the structure of triglycerides to their functions
    ~ High energy
    ~ Insoluble hydrocarbon chain so no effect on water potential of cells and used for waterproofing
    ~ Slow conductor of heat = thermal insulation
    ~ Less dense than water = buoyancy of aquatic animals
  • Describe the structure and function of phospholipids
    ~ Glycerol backbone attached to two hydrophobic fatty acid tails and one hydrophilic polar phosphate head
    ~ Forms phospholipid bilayer in water
    ~ Tails can splay outwards = waterproofing
  • Compare phospholipids and triglycerides

    ~ Both have glycerol backbone
    ~ Both may be attached to a mixture of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids
    ~ Both contain the elements C, H, O
    ~ Both formed by condensation reactions
  • Contrast phospolipids and triglycerides
    ~ 2 fatty acids and 1 phosphate attached
    ~ Hydriphilic head and hydrophobic tail
    ~ Used primarily in membrane formation
    ~ 3 fatty acids attached
    ~Entire molecule is hydrophobic
    ~ Used primarily as a storage molecule
  • Why is water a polar molecule
    O is more electronegative than H, so attracts the electron density in the cobalent bond more strongly
  • State four biologically important properties of water
    ~ Metabolite/ solvent for chemical reactions in the body
    ~ High specific heat capacity
    ~ High latent heat of vapouristation
    ~ Cohesion between molecules
  • Explain why water is significant to living organisms
    ~ Solvent for polar molecules during metabolic reaction
    ~ Enables organisms to avoid fluctuations in core temperature
    ~ Cohesion tension of water molecules in transpiration stream
  • What are inorganic ions and where are they found in the body
    ~ Ions that do not contain carbon atoms
    ~ Found in cytoplasm and extracellular fluid
    ~ May be in high or very low concentrations
  • Explain the role of hydrogen ions in the body
    ~ High concentration of h+ = low pH
    ~ H+ ions interact with H-bonds and ionic bonds in tertiary structure of proteins which can cause them to denature
  • Explain the role of iron ions in the body
    ~ Fe2+ bonds to porphyrin ring to form haem group in haemoglobin
    ~ Haem group has binding site to transport 1 molecule of 02 around the body in bloodstream
  • Explain the role of sodium ions in the body
    ~ Involved in co-transport for absorption of glucose and amino acids in lumen
    ~ Involved in propagation of action potentials in neurons
  • Explain the role of phosphateions in the body
    ~ DNA
    ~ ATP
    ~ NADP
    ~ cAMP
  • What is the general structure of an amino acid
    ~ COOH: carboxyl/ carboxylic acid group
    ~ R: variable of side group consists of carbon chain and may include other functional groups
    ~ NH2: Amine/ amino group
  • Describe how to test for proteins in a sample
    ~ Biuret test confirms presence of peptide bond
    ~ Add equal volume of sodium hydroxide to sample at room temperature
    ~ Add drops of dilute coppr (II) sulfate solution. Swirl to mix
    ~ Positive result: Colour changes from blue to purple
    ~ Negative result: Solution remains blue
  • How many amino acids are there and how do they differ from one another
    ~ 20
    ~ Differ only by side R group
  • How do dipeptides and polypeptides form

    ~ Condensation reaction forms a peptide bond and eliminates molecule of water
    ~ Dipeptide: two amino acids
    ~ Polypeptide three or more amino acids
  • How many levels of protein structure are there
  • Define Primary structure of a protein
    ~ Sequence, number and type of amino acids in the polypeptide
    ~ Determined by sequence of codons on mRNA
  • Define secondary structure of a protein
    Hydrogen bonds form between O (Slightly negative) attached to -C=O and H (Slightly positive) attached to -NH
  • Describe the 2 types of secondary protein structure
    ~ All N-H bonds on same side of protein chain
    ~ Spiral shape
    ~ H-bonds parallel to helical axis
    b-pleated sheet
    ~ N-H and C=O groups alternate from one side to the other
  • Define tertiary structure of a protein. Name the bonds present
    ~ 3D structure formed by further folding of polypeptide
    ~ Disulfide bridges
    ~ Ionic bonds
    ~ Hydrogen bonds
  • Describe each type of bond in the tertiary structure of proteins
    ~ Disulfide bridges: Strong covalent S-S bonds between molecules of the amino acid cysteine
    ~ Ionic bridges: Relatively strong bonds between charged R groups
    ~ Hydrogen bonds: Numerous and easily broken
  • Define quaternary structure of a protein
    ~ Functional proteins may consist of more than one polypeptide
    ~ Precise 3D structure held together by the same types of bond as tertiary structure
    ~ May involve addition of prosthetic groups