Internalisation-deep type of conformity where the majority view is accepted as the correct response, leading to permanent changes in behaviour even when the group isn't present
Identification-moderate type of conformity where a person behaves like the rest of the group due to wanting to be accepted, but doesn't entirely agree with the majority view
Compliance-superficial and temporary type of conformity where a person outwardly goes along with the majority view, but disagrees with it privately (behaviour only changes while the group is monitoring)
Informational social influence (ISI)- the tendency to conform to the opinion of the majority because we believe their opinion is correct
Cognitive process- requires thinking
Leads to permanent changes in opinion or behaviour (internalisation)
Happens in new or crisis situations
Normative social influence (NSI)- the desire to be liked and accepted by others by conforming to the majority's behaviour, and to avoid being rejected or ridiculed
Emotional process (how we feel)
Leads to temporary changes in opinion or behaviour (identification or compliance)
Likely to occur in situations with strangers so we aren't socially rejected, and situations where there is a greater need for support
Variables affecting conformity:
How groupsize affects conformity (Asch):
Linejudgement task variation
1 confederate, conformity rate= 3%
2 confederates, conformity rate= 12.8%
3 confederates, conformity rate= 32%, same as the baseline study
Therefore, conformity is at its highest with 3 confederates
However at 15 confederates, conformity rate dropped, pps may have become suspicious, or felt less pressure to conform
How unanimity affects conformity (Asch):
Linejudgement task variation
1 confederate told to give the right answer throughout, conformity rate= 5%
1 confederate gave a different incorrect answer to the other confederates, conformity rate=9%
Therefore, when unanimous position is broken it is easier to resist conformity
How taskdifficulty affects conformity (Asch):
Linejudgement task variation
Difference between lines made less obvious, conformity rates increased, maybe because of ISI (being unsure, so going with the majority)
Asch's baseline study:
50male college students who believed they were taking part in a vision test
Each pps answered second to last
7 confederates, gave the incorrect answer on 12/18 of the trials
Conformity rate was 32%, pps who didn't conform at all= 26%
Variation without confederates, wrong answers= 1%
Most pps gave NSI as the reason for conformity- wanting to fitin