I cannot escape death, but at least I can escape the fear of it.” — Epictetus
• the extinction and cessation of life
• a final event, an absolute state of being dead, and part of a dying process.
• Certainty of an early death due to illness or fatal disability.
type of death:
Physical death
psychological death
Spiritual death
Separation between the body and the soul. The body ends, the soul continues
Occurs when the dying person begins to accept death and to withdraw from others and regress into the self
Separation of soul and God
SOCRATES - “Now it is time that we are going, I to die and you to live; but no one knows who among us could have happier state except God.”
ST. THOMAS AQUINAS -“This is my rest forever and ever: here will I dwell, for I have chosen it.”
telos – goals, purpose and fulfillment
Terminus – full stop/end of the line
Factors defining death in our lives
self determination
The capacity to choose and act for oneself
We always have the freedom to live or not, and challenges rise up to make us have the decision to give up or not. Death is not a goal, though the challenge is to have a meaningful life
Is a state of being, not just an emotional or chosen mental attitude
We do not choose happiness, we choose the means to achieve happiness
types of happiness?
NOBLE GOOD – one is pursued for its own sake
USEFUL GOOD – considered good as long as it serves as a mean to end.
PLEASURABLE GOOD – good as long as it provides some form of pleasure, though iy does not have to be physical.
takes place when we patiently endure unpleasantness, discomfort, and pain.