Part 6b : Kalman Filters

Cards (13)

  • Common problem : try to estimate the state of a physical system from noisy, incomplete observations over time
    -> could be formulated as a state-observation model :
    • transition model
    • observation model
  • When a transition model and observation model become continuous conditional distributions --> HMMS cannot deal witht his and are not applicable
  • Discretisation :
    • split the domain of a variable into a fixed number of intervals :reprsenteach continuous value by the label of its interval
    • + all of our representatation and reasoning machinery is directly applicable.
    • loss of information
    • complexity
  • Work with continuous variables and CPDs
    • permit conditinous random variables X with Val(X) in R
    • model CPDs as continuous density functions p(X) and p(X| pa(X))
  • Work with continuous variables and cpds,
    General approach :
    • use a parameterisable familiy of density functions to model distributions
    • design a general rule that uniquely computes the paramters of condition distribution as a function of the specific parent value x
  • Linear Gaussian Models
    A) linear function of
    B) is independant of
    C) mean
    D) variance
  • Kalman Filter
    A) state-observation
    B) all state and observations
    C) Gaussians
    D) linear Gaussian models
    E) linear
    F) linear
    G) noise
    H) real-time
  • Models
    A) transition
    B) observation
  • Kalman filter formal specification :
    A) state-observation
    B) hidden
    C) observation
    D) prior state
    E) matrix
    F) covariance
  • Tracking with the kalman filter :
    1. State Propagation
    2. Conditioning on new observations
  • The Gaussian Familiy of Distributions remains closed un the update operations.
  • Forward Algorithm for Kalman Filtering
    A) transition
    B) observation
    C) Predict
    D) likely
    E) prediction
    F) update
  • Kalmal filter limitations :
    • The gaussian, linear dependency and fixed variance assumptions are rather severe restrictions.
    • may be satisfied in some processes and applications and not in toher