Dynamic equilibria

Cards (11)

  • What is the Haber process?
    A reversible reaction between Hydrogen and Nitrogen to form Ammonia.
  • What is meant by Dynamic Equilibrium?
    The forward reaction is equal to the backward reaction. This means that there is no change in the concentration of reactants or products.
  • The speed at which the rate of equilibrium is reached is faster when there are high temperatures, pressure, concentrations, and a catalyst as it provides an alternative pathway for the reaction to take place.
  • In the Haber process, higher pressure favors the side of the reaction that contains fewer moles. This means that increasing the pressure will increase the yield of ammonia in the reaction.
  • The Haber process requires an iron catalyst, 450C, and 200 atm.
  • In the Haber process, increasing the temperature would move the equilibrium to the left - meaning that the amount of ammonia produced would decrease. However, increasing the temperatures increase the rate of reaction.
  • During the Haber process, increasing the concentration allows for higher chances of ammonia produced since there is more reactant available.
  • What are the factors that should be considered when deciding the conditions of an industrial reaction?
    Availability and cost of raw materials.
    Energy requirements.
    Optimum temperature and pressure for high yield and fast rate of reaction.
    Need for a catalyst.
  • What are fertilisers?
    substances that contain nitrogen phosphorus and potassium to help a plant grow.
  • Ammonia reacts with nitric acid to form ammonium nitrate - a salt used as a fertiliser.
  • Titration between ammonia and sulfuric acid:
    Exact volume of NH, added to a conical flask using a pipette.Add a few drops of indicator.Add H, SO, from the burette drop by drop. Stop when the indicator changescolour.Repeat, adding the exact volumes of reactants without the indicator (as it isan impurity).Remove the water by evaporation and crystallisation, leaving pure crystals.