Safiah - Revealed to Ibrahim. They are scrolls believed to be lost, little is known about them but are quotes in the quran
Surah 36 about Safiah:
' What was written in the scriptures of Moses and Ibrahim '
Tawrat - These are the scriptures of Musa. Muslims believe the Tawrat contains good rules and laws, but applies mainly to Jews. It includes a prophecy about Prophet Muhammed
Surah 5 about Tawrat
' We revealed the Tawrat with guidance and light '
Zabur - Revealed to Dawud. It is made up of songs, poems and prayers believed to be inspired by Allah
Surah 163 about Zabur
' To David we gave the book of psalms. They were messengers bearing good news '
Injil - Original gospel taught by Jesus. Muslims believe the original became lost and distorted. It teaches morals such as love and forgiveness
Surah 5:46 about the Injil:
We sent Jesus, son of Mary: We gave him the gospel and put compassion and mercy into the hearts of his followers
Quran - Revealed to Muhammed as his final revelation. Other texts has been distorted. The quran contains information that could only have come from Allah