1.5 particle interactions

Cards (31)

  • the momentum of an object is its mass multiplied by its velocity
  • When two objects interact, they exert equal and opposite forces on each other
  • electromagnetic force between two protons
  • the strong nuclear force holds the neutrons and protons together in a nucleus
  • the weak nuclear force causes decay
  • a neutrino can interact with a neutron and change it into a proton.
  • in a neutron-neutrino interaction, a B- particle (electron) is emitted
  • an antineutrino can interact with a proton and change it into a neutron
  • in a proton-antineutrino interaction a B+ particle (positron) is emitted
  • the weak interaction is the interaction between a W boson
  • neutron-neutrino interaction
  • proton-antineutrino interaction
  • beta decay occurs when an unstable nucleus decays by changing a neutron to a proton or vice versa
  • weak interaction is responsible for beta decay
  • W bosons is for beta decay
  • charge is conserved in both beta decays
  • in beta- decay, a neutron turns into a proton
  • in beta+ decay, a proton turns into a neutron
  • beta- is an electron
  • beta+ is a positron
  • beta minus decay
  • beta plus decay
  • sometimes a proton in a proton-rich nucleus turns into a neutron as a result of interacting through the weak interaction with an inner-shell electron
  • electron capture is when a proton in a proton-rich nucleus interactions with an electron through the weak interaction
  • in electron capture, the W+ boson changes the electron into a neutrino
  • electron capture can also occur when a proton and electron collide at very high speed
  • the photon and the W boson are known as force carriers because they are exchanged when the electromagnetic force and the weak nuclear force act
  • Beta minus decay equation
  • beta plus decay equation
  • electron capture equation
  • four fundamental interactions:
    1. gravitational attraction due to two object's mass
    2. electromagnetic force due to electric charge
    3. strong nuclear force that holds nucleons together
    4. weak nuclear force which causes decay