the first trimester is from conception to 12 weeks
the second trimester is from 13 weeks to 27 weeks
the third trimester is from 28 weeks to 40 weeks
growth of the uterus can be measure by the fundal height
the highest point of the uterus is during week 36 before the fetus descends into the pelvis
goodell sign: softening of the cervix
chadwick sign: cervix turns blue/purple
goodell and chadwick are both early signs of pregnancy
oxygen saturation in pregnant women needs to stay above 95% and anything lower can harm the baby
12 to 20 breaths/min is normal for pregnant women
supine hypotensive syndrome: laying flat on back puts pressure on the inferior vena cava. which brings blood back to the heart from lower extremities and leads to low blood pressure, dizziness, and clammy skin
progesterone acts as a relaxant of smooth muscle causing heartburn, delayed gastric emptying, decreased peristalsis, constipation, gallstones
nausea and vomiting decreases after the first trimester of pregnancy when the placenta takes over releasing estrogen
linea nigra: dark line of pigmentation on abdomen
chloasma or mask of pregnancy: increased pigmentation on face
diastasis recti: seperation of rectus abdominal muscles during the third trimester
presumptive or subject signs of pregnancy: women experiences and reports; amenorrhea, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, urinary frequency, quickening
probable or subjective signs of pregnancy: signs that are seen by the examiner; abdominal enlargement, heagar sign, chadwick sign, goodell sign, ballottement, braxton hicks, and a positive pregnancy test
ballottement: sudden tap of cervix causes the fetus to rebound up
hegar sign: lower uterine segment becomes so soft that it can be compressed by examination
presumptive and probable signs of pregnancy are not true tests of pregnancy because they can be caused by other things
positive or diagnostic signs of pregnancy: perceived by the examiner and only due to pregnancy; fetal heart sounds, visualization of fetus by ultrasound, fetal movement palpated by examiner
antepartum: time between conception and the onset of labor
intrapartum: time between onset of labor until birth of baby and placenta
early term: birth occurring between 37 weeks and 38 weeks gestation
full term: birth occurring between 39 weeks and 40 weeks
gravida: any pregnancy regardless of duration (includes current pregnancy)
nulligravida: never been pregnant
primigravida: first pregnancy
multigravida: in second pregnancy or any subsequent pregnancy
para: birth after 20 weeks gestation regardless of whether the baby survived
G = gravidity (number of pregnancies)
T = term (number of pregnancies carried to 37 weeks)
P = preterm (number of pregnancies born between 20 and 36 weeks)
A = abortion (number of losses before 20 weeks)
L = living (number of living children)
prenatal assessments are done every 4 weeks until 28 weeks and then every 2 weeks until 36 weeks and then weekly post 36
nagele rule for estimating due date: first day of LMP, subtract 3 months, add 7 days and 1 year
normal weight pre pregnancy: 25-35 pound weight gain during pregnancy
underweight pre pregnancy: 28-40 pound weight gain during pregnancy
overweight pre pregnancy: 15-25 pound weight gain during pregnancy
obese pre pregnancy: 11-20 pound weight gain during pregnancy
folic acid leads to neuro development and prevention of neural tube defects
calcium is involved in bone and teeth formation
24 grams of iron a day is needed to meet the needs of the growing fetus
external abdominal ultrasound: most common; only useful after first trimester