The Golgi apparatus is a stack of flattened membrane band compartments (Cisternal) with the ER facing the site where vesicles depart for the cell surface or other compartments.
The final glucose is removed, then a misfolded protein is chaperoned back to the ER, and protein translocators are sent to the cytoplasm for degradation.
Lysosomes protect themselves from their own digestive enzymes in two ways: the lysosomal membrane keeps the enzyme out of cytosol, and acid hydrolases don't Work at cellular pH 7.
Constitutive Secretory pathway involves the secretion of components of the extracellular Matrix and the delivery of new plasma membrane proteins & lipids to cell surface in the Golgi.
The concentration of Secretary proteins increases as the vesicles mature due to retrieval of membrane back to Golgi and increased acidity in maturing lysosomes, causing tighter aggregation.