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Mise' En Place
- A french term for "
Setting everything in Place
- Combination of vegetable's, fruit and other ingredients serve with a dressing.
Simple salad
- variety of one or more greens with light dressign served before or after the main course.
Mixed Salad
- is compesed of cooked or vagetables serve with compatible dressing used as appetizer
Combination Salad
- Ingridients are presented separately on the same plate.
Green Salad
- must be fresh, clean, crisp and cold and well drained.
Vegetable, grain lagumes and pasta salad
- vagetable salads are salads whose main ingridients are vagetable other than lettuce or leafy greens.
Bound Salads
- Are mixture of foods that are held together or bound with a dressing like mayonnaise.
- Traditionl mixture like, chicken salad, tuna salad, egg salad, and potato salad.
Fruit Salad
- Contain fruits as their main ingredients like appetizer salad or dessert salads.
Composed Salads
- Made by arranging two or more elements attractively on a plate.
" - Are arrange rather than being mixed.
Gelatin Salad
- Most gelatin product's are made with sweetened prepared mixes with artificial color and flavor some uses unflavored gelatin.
Appetizer Salads
- It stimulate appetite which has fresh crisp.
Accompaniment Salad
- Must be balance and harmoniz with the rest of the meal.
Side dish salad
- Should be light and flavorful, not too much vegetable salad are often good choices.
Main Course Salad
- Should be large enough to serve as a full meal.
Separate course salad
- These salads must be very light without filling, rich, heavy dressings.
Dessert Salads
- Are usually sweet and may contain items such as fruits, sweetened gelatin, nuts and cream.
- use to cut, slice and peeling foods.
- used to remove the skin of vegetable.
Cutting board
- made from wood or plastic material that is smooth and non-slippery surface
Citrus Zesters
- Has a curve metal end with round holes with sharpened rims.
- Use to grate froods into fine pieces. invented by francois boullier in 1540s.
Grill Pan
- Used for salad toppings to be broiled or grilled
Salad Spinners
- Used to hold just washed salad.
Mixing Bowls
- Used to mix dressing, and marinate ingredients.
Salad Serves
- "Salad Sets" with big salad bowls
The four part of a plated salad
Base or under liner
The Body
The Garnish
The Dressing
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