Lesson 2

Cards (13)

  • Web Design Workflow - This explains the process creating websites from scratch.
  • Goal Setting - This phase will let the web designer identify the goals and audiences of the website.
  • Essential Webpages
    1. Home Page - first web page
    2. About Page - lets the audience know the goals
    3. Contact Page - lets the audience to get in touch
    4. Blog Page - contains set of posts
    5. Blog Module - maintain and share blog posts
    6. Contact forms - lets audience connect
    7. Social Media Integration - allows automated postings
    8. Web Analytics - track down activities
    9. Comment Spam Protection - prevents audience from spamming
    10. Newsletter - send emails
  • Branding establishes the identity by coming up with name and logo
  • Website Structure - visualizes the layout by creating a sitemap
  • Sitemap - diagrammatic representation of the website components
  • Mockup - represents the design for each page
  • Wireframe - considered as blueprint for the website experience
  • Design & Development - making the website through coding or website builder
  • Coding - will require a web designer to learn the basics of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language).
  • Website Builder helps a web designer to create a website without the prior knowledge of coding.
  • Testing will help web designers to check or fix the errors
  • Launching - Publishing the website can be done