Cards (18)

  • Candy: "don't need to wear no high-heeled boots on a grain team" Slim doesn't need to dress to show his authority
  • "Hi, good-lookin" Shows his authority by being allowed to get away with saying that
  • 'The prince of the ranch' Authoritative & powerful
  • 'gravity in his manner' Respected & important
  • 'understanding beyond thought' Wise & rational
  • 'He looked kindly' Welcoming, benevolent
  • 'His tone was friendly' Kind, warm, inviting
  • 'calm, Godlike eyes fastened on him.' Possesses 'Godlike' powers like: respect, nobility, authority, understanding
  • "He's jus' like a kid" Not rude, just describing what he thinks of Lennie
  • 'For Slim's opinions were law' Spokesperson for the ranch
  • "Hello, Crooks. What's a matter?" Polite & nice to Crooks despite his race - positive relationship with minorities
  • Whit: "Nobody don't know what Slim can do." Slim is a mysterious character who has never been questioned before
  • "It ain't your fault" Supportive, comforting, sympathetic
  • Curley: "Well I didn't mean nothing, Slim" Shift in power between Curley & Slim
  • "We'll tell ever'body, an' then will you get the laugh." Maintains peace in the ranch by helping Curley
  • "Ain't many guys travel around together" Amused by George & Lennie's special friendship
  • "He ain't mean" Slim doesn't think badly about Lennie like the others do
  • "That ain't no good George" Encouraging George to help Lennie