Cards (19)

  • 'tall, stoop shouldered old man.' His age affects him and he is physically weak
  • 'lost his right hand' Lost something important for a migrant worker
  • 'a drag-footed sheepdog, grey of muzzle and with pale, blind old eyes' He is described through his dog: shows his relationship with the dog
  • 'Candy' links to 'candid' - means frank, truthful, straightforward, sincere
  • "I ought to have shot that dog myself" Men at the time should carry their own deeds - foreshadows George & Lennie
  • 'squirmed uncomfortably' His dog is his company & his friend so he doesn't want to kill him
  • "a pretty nice fella" Candy is nice about the boss because the boss let him work despite being old
  • "I ain't got no relatives nor nothin" After his dog died, he has no one
  • "Tell ya what Lennie I been figuring out about those rabbits" Newfound excitement about the dream
  • "lousy tart" Use of bitter language because his dream is dying because of Lennie killing Curley's wife
  • 'The swamper warmed to his gossip' Widespread
  • 'Old Candy slowly turned over. His eyes were wide open' The dream resurrect Candy
  • 'Candy lay still' We see Candy as a corpse: same fate as his dog
  • 'He shrivelled and his voice shook' Candy turns into an old man again after Curley's wife dies with his dreams
  • 'Rolled slowly over and faced the wall and lay silent' Helplessness of the weakest people in society when confronting prejudices
  • "When they can me here I wisht somebody'd shoot me" Aware of his doomed fate
  • 'Candy joined the attack with joy' Revenge from the weak
  • "That bitch didn't ought to of said that to you" Sympathy towards Crooks: racism might be correctable because kindness is present
  • "I'd make a will and leave my share to you guys in case I kick off" Desperation for belonging