Gene labelling - use fluorophores or LacZ to track fate driving regeneration to find stem cell's and gene's specific contribution to regeneration
Lineage Tracking - use Cre/loxP to mark stem cells and their descendants permanently
Transgenic animals - inducive or constitutive expression of genes associated with the area of study, can modulate expression of MyoD for example to assess its impact
Cell-specific KO - use CRISPR/Cas9 or conditional KO, investigates importance of genes in specific cell types
In vivo imaging - allows visualisation of processes such as muscle growth, regeneration and repair
Myogenesis occurs through proliferative expansion (myoblast fusion) and hyperplasia (increase in myoblast numbers)
Myogenesis occurs through proliferative expansion (myoblasts) and fusion (myocytes)
Satellite cells are quiescent until activated during injury or exercise
Satellite cells are responsible for postnatal skeletal muscle growth and regeneration