Irredentism: A type of expansion when one country seeks to annex territory where it has cultural ties to part of the population or historical claims to the land
Ex:Russias claim to eastern Ukraine
Exclave: Are territories that are part of a state yet geographically separated from the main state by one or more countries
Ex: Alaska is separated from the U.S
Shatterbelt: A place located between two very different and contentious regions
Ex: The Balkans region of southeastern Europe
Unitary State: Most or all of the governing power is held by the National government
Ex: The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Sovereignty: The power of a political unit, or governmen, to rule over its own affairs
Ex: The U.S states
Imperialism: Variety of ways of influencing another country or group of people by direct conquest, economic control, or cultural dominance
Ex: France’s control of Vietnam from the mid-to late 1800s
Colonialism: Particular type of imperialism in which people move into and settle on the land of another country
Ex: Control of British Empire over much of North America
Devolution: Process in which one or more regions are given increased autonomy by the central political unit
Ex: Powers granted to Scottish Parliament
Demarcated Boundary: Identified by physical objects placed on the landscape. Can be simple as a sign/ complex as a set of fences and walls
Ex: U.S - Mexico Border
Territorial Sea: Area extends up to 12 nautical miles of sovereignty where commercial vessels may pass, but non commercial vessels may be challenged
Ex: the Arctic
Super national: Practice of multiple countries forming an organization for the benefit of all members
Contiguous Zone: 24 nautical miles where countries can enforce laws on customs, immigration, and sanitation
Exclusive Economic Zone: Coastal states can explore, extract minerals, and manage natural resources up to 200 nautical miles
Sx: Puerto Rico, Guam, and the US Virgin Island
Federal state: Unites separate political entities into and overarching system that allows each entity to maintain some degree of sovereignty
Ex: Germany, Us, and Nigeria
Subnationalism: People who have a primary allegiance to a traditional group or ethnicity
Balkanization: Fragmentation of a state or region into smaller, often hostile, units along etho-linguistic lines