Screening Modalities

Cards (12)

  • What are some advantages of echoes of the heart?
    No ionizing radiation exposure
    Real time imaging
    Perfect for serial imaging
  • How is transthoracic/-esophageal echo limited?
    Imaging quality when using on obese patients or patients with obstructive lung disease.
  • Stress MPI: gamma rays emitted by patient are picked up by the sodium iodide crystals in the apparatus
  • CCS: scans patient for calcium and identifies calcium burden based off score
  • Coronary CTA is used to screen patients with coronary artery disease in a non-invasive way.
  • Disadvantages of Coronary CTA include use of ionizing radiation, iodinated contrast, and limited use in arrhythmic patients.
  • What is an adverse effect of cardiac MRI in patients with low creatinine clearance?
    Utilizes Gadolinium which can cause adverse skin conditions.
  • Bleeding Time Anticoagulation Test: When a small slit is made in the skin, the hemostatic mechanisms necessary for coagulation are activated and the time it takes to heal is measured.
  • Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time: The aPTT measures the time necessary to generate fibrin from initiation of the intrinsic pathway by measuring how long it takes for activating substance, kaolin, to appear
  • Prothrombin Time: plasma + thromboplastin are incubated and then timed for how long it takes for calcium to appear and indicate the presence fibrin precursor factors.
  • Thrombin Time: plasma + thrombin incubated and measured for how long it takes fibrin to appear
  • Fibrin Degradation Products Test: Series of dilutions of serum are texted with FDP-Ab-absorbed latex particles to oberve agglutination