biological catalyst which speeds up metabolic reactions in living organisms
do not get used up in the reaction
How is the activation energy lowered:
if two substrate molecules need to be joined: the enzyme holds them together so that they can make a bond more easily
if the enzyme is catalysing a breakdown: fitting into the active site puts a strain on the bonds of the substrate so that they can be broken more easily
Lock and key Model
substrate binds to enzyme forming an enzyme substrate complex
The binding of the substrate and enzyme places stress of the glucose-fructose bond and breaks bond
Products are released and the enzyme is free to bind to another structure
Intracellular enzyme
made and retained inside the cell
catalase - breaks down the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen
Extracellular enzyme - act outside the cell that produce and secrete them
amylase works outside of cells in saliva to catalyse the hydrolysis of starch into maltose
trypsin - produced by the pancreas into the small intestine to break down proteins into smaller polypeptides
Structure of enzyme:
globular proteins
3D shape
soluble in water
contain active site
specific shape
where substrate binds to
Induced fit model:
active site is not complementary, the active site changes shape, so that the substrate can fit
induced fit vs lock and key
active site does not change shape around the substrate
already fits the substrate (complementary before binding)
Enzymes and temperature:
as temperature increases, so does kinetic energy and he number of successful collisions increasing the rate of reaction
optimum temperature, where enzymes activity is at its highest
temperature is too high, vibrationbreak bonds (hydrogen) that hold the enzyme together. Enzymes denature (irreversible change to shape of active site)
Temperature coefficient Q10:
The Q10 value for a reaction shows how much the rate of reaction changes when the temperature is raised by 10 degrees
at temperatures before the optimum Q10 value of 2 means that a rate doubles every 10 degrees increase
Q10 = rate at higher temperature/rate at lower temperature
enzymes and pH:
this is optimum pH
as you move away from optimum pH, enzymes start to denature and enzyme activity decreases
different enzymes have different pH's
Enzyme concentration:
as long as substrate remains in excess, increased concentration does not affect rate of reaction
as enzyme conc increases, rate of reaction increases so more enzyme-substrate complex are formed
as enzyme conce increases further, graph plateaus as all substrate being used
substrate conc is limiting factor
Substrate concentration:
as substrate concentration increases the number of collisions increases , this means the rate of reaction increases
active site become occupied and graph plateaus (V-max)
enzyme conc is the limiting factor
co-enzyme - organic groups
co-factos - inorganic groups
some enzymes will only work if there is another non-protein structure bound to them called a co-factor.
help the enzyme and substrate bind together but do not directly participate in the reaction
they are not used up or changed in any way
participate in the reaction and are changed by it
often act as carriers moving chemical groups between enzymes
they are continually recycled during the process
Reversible inhibition
weaker hydrogen bonds or weak ionic bonds
inhibitor can be removed
Non-reversible inhibition
strong covalent bonds
the inhibitor cannot be removed easily
Competitive inhibitors:
have a similar shape to the substrate
bind to the active site but no reaction takes places, instead active site is blocked
Non-competitive inhibitors:
bind to a site other than the active site (allosteric site)
causes the active site to change shape so that the substrate molecules can no longer fit
comparing inhibitors
no inhibitor:
not all active site is taken up. Increase substrate concentration = increase rate of reaction
every active sit is saturated. All substrate in active site. = Vmax
Excess substrate. no increase in rate of reaction.
comparing inhibitors
competitive inhibitor:
A competitive inhibitor binds to the enzyme’s active site, and slows down the process.
The substrate will soon find an active site. The effect of a competitive inhibitor is to slow down the process.
Comparing inhibitors
non-competitive inhibitors:
The shape of the active site changes because the non-competitive inhibitor has bound to an allosteric site; preventing an enzyme substrate complex from forming = less products formed
The reaction rate cannot reach the same point because the non-competitive inhibitors have changed the shape of some of the active sites.