10) Classification and evolution

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  • Taxonomic system:
    • ranked from largest and broadest to smallest and most specific
  • Binomial naming:
    Genus - upper case first letter
    Species - all lower case
  • eukarya 4 kingdom system:
  • Prokaryotae
    • prokaryotic
    • unicellular
    • no nucleus
    • Autotrophic, heterotrophic, or parasitic
    • stores sugars as glycogen
  • Protocista:
    • eukaryotic
    • unicellular
    • nucleus present
    • Autotrophic, heterotrophic, or parasitic
  • autotrophic - nutrients acquired by photosynthesis
  • heterotrophic - eats other organisms
  • parasitic - living as a parasite on another organism
  • Fungi:
    • eukaryotic
    • unicellular or multicellular
    • nucleus present
    • cell wall made of chitin
    • no chloroplast or chlorophyll
    • Saprophytic, absorb dissolved organic nutrients from dead matter
    • store sugars as glycogen
  • Plantae:
    • eukaryotic
    • multicellular
    • nucleus present
    • cell wall made of cellulose
    • stores sugars as starch
    • Autotrophic (photosynthesis)
  • Animalia:
    • eukaryotic
    • multicellular
    • nucleus present
    • no cell wall
    • Heterotrophic
    • sugars stored as glycogen
  • The three domains:
    • Bacteria - prokaryote
    • Archaea - prokaryote
    • Eukarya - eukaryotic
  • Domain Bacteria:
    • contains kingdom eubacteria
    • Prokaryotic unicellular organisms
    • peptidoglycan in cell walls
  • Domain Archaea:
    • Contains the kingdom Archaebacteria only
    • Prokaryotic unicellular organisms.
    • Have histones so gene and protein synthesis is more similar to Eukarya than Bacteria.
    • No peptidogylcan in their cell walls.
    • Different cell membranes that contain fatty acids bound to glycerol by ether linkages.
    • Have a more complex form of RNA polymerase than Bacteria.
  • Domain Eukarya:
    • Contains four kingdoms from the five kingdom system: Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protoctista.
    • All have nuclei and membrane-bound organelles.
  • Phylogeny:
    • based on evolutionary relationships between organisms and their ancestors, classifying species into groups. It reveals how closely related organisms are.
  • Advantages of phylogeny:
    • It produces a continuous tree that doesn't force organisms into specific taxonomic groups where they don't quite fit.
    • There is no overlap between the groups produced.
  • Theory of evolution by natural selection
    • Darwin and Wallace
    • They suggested that organisms best suited to their environment are more likely to survive, reproduce, and pass on their advantageous characteristics to their offspring.
  • Evidence for evolution from the fossil record:
    • Palaeontology, the study of life's history as recorded in fossils, involves examining organisms preserved in rock layers.
    • Simple bacteria and algae fossils are found in the oldest rocks, progressing to more complex vertebrates in newer rocks.
  • why the fossil record is incomplete:
    • Many organisms decompose before they can fossilise.
    • Fossilisation is uncommon, and requires specific conditions for an organism to be preserved.
    • Over time, many fossils have been lost due to erosion or geological processes.
    • Many organisms have not yet been discovered.
    • Certain organisms, especially those with soft bodies, are less likely to fossilise, leading to gaps in the record.
  • comparative anatomy - examines the anatomical structures of different living species to find similarities and differences.
  • Homologous structures - physical features in different species that have a similar underlying structure but may serve different functions. Likely to have evolved from common ancestors. They are evidence of divergent evolution, have common ancestors develop different trait or characteristics o adapt to changing environmental conditions and needs.
  • Comparative biochemistry - the study of similarities and differences in proteins and molecules that control life processes.
  • Comparative biochemistry:
    • Ribosomal RNA - This molecule is integral to protein synthesis so it changes slowly, making it useful for showing connections between species that diverged long ago.
    • Nuclear, mitochondrial or chloroplast DNA - Species that are more closely related will have more similar DNA sequences.
    • Messenger RNA - Base sequences of mRNA are complementary to DNA so can assess DNA diversity.
    • Amino acid - If they are closely related evolutionarily, two species have more similar amino acid sequences because they are determined by mRNA and DNA.
  • adaptation - characteristics that increase an organisms chance of survival and reproduction in its environment
  • types of adaptation:
    anatomical - physical features
    behavioural - way an organism acts
    physiological - processes that take place inside an organism
  • anatomical adaptations:
    body covering - hair, scale, spines feathers and shells
    camouflage - outer colour allows it to blend in with its environment, making it harder for predators to spot
    teeth - shape and type of teeth relate to its diet. e.g carnivores such as tigers, have sharp canines to kill prey
    mimicry - copying another animals appearance or sounds allows harmless organisms to fool predators into thinking its dangerous
  • anatomical example: marram grass
    • commonly found in sand dunes
    • xerophyte
    • curled leaves
    • hairs
    • stomata sunken in pits
    • thick waxy cuticle
  • behavioural adaptations:
    survival behaviours - opossum plays dead
    courtship - to attract a mate e.g scorpions perform a dance to attract a partner, to increase chance of reproduction
    seasonal behaviours - enable organisms to cope with changes in environment e.g hibernation and migration
    can be innate or learned
  • physiological adaptations:
    poison production - reptiles produce venom to kill its prey and many plants produce poisons in their leaves
    antibiotic production - some bacteria produce antibiotics to kill other species of bacteria in the surrounding area
    water holding - the water holding frog can store water in its body, this allows it to survive in the desert.
  • anatomical adaptations provide evidence for convergent evolution
    • convergent evolution takes place when unrelated species begin to share similar traits
    • these similarities evolve because organisms adapt to similar environment
  • anatomical adaptations provide evidence for convergent evolution
    • marsupial and placental mice - both small, agile climbers that live in dense cover and forage at night
    • flying phalanges and flying squirrel - both are gliders that eat insects and plants. There skin is stretched to provide a large surface area
  • marsupial - species in each continent resemble eachother as they have adapted to the niches
  • placental - placenta connected to the embryo of its mothers
  • interspecific variation - the differences between different species
  • instraspecific - the differences between individuals of the same species
  • continuous variation - normally quantitative, any feature that can be measured and controlled by both genes and environment
    e.g height, length of leaves
  • discontinuous variation - normally qualitative, ant feature that cant be measured controlled by genes
    e.g blood group and eye colour
  • antibiotic resistance
    • mrsa has developed resistance to many antibiotics
    • bacteria reproduce very rapidly and so evolve in a short time
    • when they replicate their dna is altered and this results in bacteria dying
    • when the bacteria was exposed the resistance individuals survived and reproduced, passing on their allele
  • purpose of classification
    • organises organisms into groups based on similarities
    • Identify new species
    • Study evolutionary relationships
    • Understand shared traits and adaptations.
    • Share research globally to identify links with organisms on other continents.