SAT vocabulary list 5

Cards (10)

  • Abysmal (adj)

    Extremely bad
  • Annihilate (v)

    To destroy or cause devastating destruction
  • Authenticity (n)

    The quality of being real or true instead of fake and contrived
  • Capture (v)

    To trap or take possession of ; to successfully represent or imitate; to captivate, mesmerize; to catch or seize
  • Culmination (n)

    The final act or climax
  • Devise (v)

    To come up with (a plan)
  • Egregious (adj)

    Extremely bad
  • Exacerbate (v)

    To make worse or increase severity of
  • Geriatric (adj)

    Relating to old age
  • Melodramatic (adj)

    Extravagant or exaggerated (as of a melodrama)