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  • cell surface membrane - made of mostly lipids and proteins
  • nucleus - surrounded by the nuclear envelope, containing many pores. contains chromosomes which are made from protein-bound linear DNA. also contains nucleolus
  • mitochondria - double membrane. inner membrane folded to form cristae. inside is the matrix, which contains enzymes involved in respiration
  • chloroplast - small, flattened structure, surrounded a by double membrane. has membranes inside called thylakoid membranes, stacked up in some places to form the grana. grana linked together by lamellae - thin, flat pieces of thylakoid membrane
  • golgi apparatus - group of fluid filled, membrane bound sacs. vesicles often seen at the edge of sacs
  • golgi vesicle - small fluid filled sac in the cytoplasm, surrounded by a membrane and produced by the golgi apparatus
  • lysosome - round organelle surrounded by membrane. type of golgi vesicle
  • ribosome - small organelle that either floats free in cytoplasm or attached to the RER
  • rough endoplasmic reticulum - system of membranes enclosing a fluid-filled space. surface is covered with ribosomes
  • smooth endoplasmic reticulum - similar to RER but with no ribosomes
  • cell wall - rigid structure found in plants, algae and fungi. in plants and algae it's mainly made of cellulose, and mainly made of chitin in fungi
  • cell vacuole - membrane bound organelle found in cytoplasm of plant cells. contains cell sap, a solution of sugars and salts. surrounding membrane is the tonoplast