The pth percentile is a number where p% of the measurements fall below that number and (100-p)% fall above it.
The lower quartile (Q_L) is the 25th percentile of a data set.
The middle quartile (M) is the median or 50th percentile of a data set.
The upper quartile (Q_U) is the 75th percentile of a data set.
This is the formula for the sample z-score.
This is the formula for the populationz-score.
The z-score is the distance between a given measurement x and the mean of the data set. It is expressed in standard deviations.
Concerning mount-shaped distributions of data, approx. 68% of the measurements will have a z-score between -1 and 1.
Concerning mound-shaped distributions of data, approx. 95% of the measurements will have a z-score between -2 and 2.
Concerning mound-shaped distributions of data, approx. 99.7% of the measurements will have a z-score between -3 and 3.
An outlier is an observation that is unusually large or small relative to the other values in a data set.
Outliers are attributed to one of the following cases:
The measurement is observed, recorded, or entered into the computer incorrectly
The measurement comes from a different population
The measurement is correct, but represents a rare event
The interquartile range (IQR) is the distance between the lower and upper quartiles.
A box plot's box is drawn with the ends (hinges) at the lower and upperquartiles. The median (M) is shown in the box usually by a line.
A box plot has an inner fence marked 1.5 IQR away from the hinges. Whiskers extend from each hinge to the most extreme measurement inside the fence.
A box plot has outer fences appearing 3 IQR from the hinges.
Measurements falling between the inner and outer fences of a box plot are marked with a *. Measurements falling outside the outer fences is marked with a 0.
Fill in the missing words.
A) Lower
B) outer
Fill in the missing words.
A) Upper
B) outer
Fill in the missing words.
A) Lower
B) inner
Fill in the missing words.
A) Upper
B) inner
The line (median) inside the box of a box plot represents the "center" of the distribution of data.
The IQR of a box plot is the measure of the sample's variability.
If one whisker in a box plot is clearly longer than the other, the distribution of the data is likely skewed in the direction of the longer whisker.
Measurements in a box plot that fall beyond the inner fences are deemed suspect outliers.
Measurements in a box plot that fall beyond the outer fences are considered to be highlysuspect outliers.
Observations with a magnitude of their z-score greater than 3 are considered outliers.
Observations in highly skewed data sets with a magnitude of a z-score greater than 2 are considered possible outliers.
An experiment is an act or process of observation that leads to a single outcome that cannot be predicted with certainty.
A samplepoint is the most basic outcome of an experiment.
The samplespace of an experiment is the collection of all its sample points.
The probability of a sample point is a number between 0 and 1 that measures the likelihood that the outcome will occur.
The probability of a sample point can be taken to be the relative frequency.
The probability rules for sample points:
All sample point probabilities must lie between 0 and 1
The probabilities of all the sample points within a sample space must sum to 1
This is the symbol for the probability of sample point i.
An event is a specific collection of sample points.
The probability of an event occurring is calculated by summing the probabilities of the samplepoints in the sample space for that event.
Steps for calculating probabilities of events:
Define the experiment (describe the process used to make an observation and the type of observation that will be recorded)
List the samplepoints
Assign probabilities to the samplepoints
Determine the collection of samplepoints contained in the event of interest
Sum the samplepointprobabilities to get the probability of the event.
The union of 2 events is the event that occurs if either or both of the events occurs on a single performance of the experiment.