The different layers of the thorax and abdomen include the pleura, pericardium, peritoneum, and serosa.
The terms Internal/Inner, External/Outer, Superficial, Deep, Proximal, Distal, Radial/Ulnar, Tibial/Fibular, Palmar, and Plantar are used to describe the location of organs and appendages.
The terms Axis, Axial Surface, and Abaxial Surface are used to describe the central line of the body and the surfaces that face it.
Flexion is the movement of one bone in relation to another in such a manner that the angle formed at their joint decreases; the limb is retracted or folded; the digit is bent; the back is arched dorsally.
Extension is the movement of one part away from the median plane.
Overextension, Hyperextension, or Dorsal Flexion is the extension beyond 180 degrees.
Abduction is the movement of one part away from the median plane.
Canal is a tunnel through one or more bones.
Foramen is an opening through a bone where the vessels and nerves pass.
Notch is a depression at the edge of a bone.
Epicondyle is a prominence just proximal to a condyle.
Dorsal cavity, ventral cavity, thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity, and pelvic cavity are body cavities.
Cross-sectional view of the thorax is a part of the thoracic cavity.
Sinus is an air cavity within a bone or bones, lined with mucous membrane and communicating with the exterior.
Abdominal cavity is a body cavity.
Spine or spinous process is a pointed projection.
Groove is a long, narrow furrow accommodating a vessel, nerve or tendon.
Basic movements of the parts of the body include flexion, extension, overextension/hyperextension, dorsal flexion, abduction, adduction, circumduction, rotation, supination, pronation, and flexion.
Trochanter is a specific term for the bony outgrowth of the femur.
Tuberosity is a bony protrusion where a muscle attaches, seen as a rough potentially protruding surface.
Glenoid cavity is a shallow articular depression.
Fovea is a shallow, nonarticular depression.
Fossa is a small hollow structure.
Process is a general term for a prominence.
The median plane, sagittal plane, dorsal plane, transverse plane, medial, lateral, dorsal, ventral, dorsal, palmar, and plantar are directional terminologies used in anatomy.
Tubercle is a rounded eminence.
Line is a very small ridge.
Head is a rounded articular enlargement at the end of a bone; it may be joined to the shaft by a constricted part, the neck.
Crest is a sharp ridge.
Trochlea is a pulley-like articular mass.
Cotyloid cavity or acetabulum is a deep articular depression (acetabulum of the hip joint).
Condyle is an articular eminence which is somewhat cylindrical; a non-articular projection in connection with a condyle may be termed as epicondyle.