Types of Physical weathering include Frost wedging, Salt Crystal Growth, Abrasion, Exfoliation/Unloading, Biological Activities, Friction and impact, Temperature changes.
Frost Wedging is caused by the freezing and thawing of water that seeps into cracks of rocks, expanding water as it freezes slowly breaks up this sedimentary rock into unusual shapes.
Salt crystal growth is a force exerted by salt crystal that formed as water evaporates from pore spaces or cracks in rocks can cause the rock to fall apart.
Weathering by the wind occurs as the wind blows it picks up small particles of sand and blasts large rocks with the abrasive particles, cutting and shaping the rock.
Weathering by running water occurs when water in waterfalls, rivers and streams move over rock, the rocks are weathered—broken into smaller and smaller pieces.
Climate affects the rate, type and extent of weathering, areas that are cold and dry tend to have slow rates of chemical weathering and weathering is mostly physical; chemical weathering is most active in areas with high temperature and rainfall.
Rock structure affects the rate of weathering, the presence of joints, folds, faults, bedding planes through which agents of weathering enter a rock mass.